See: Description
Package | Description |
checkers.quals |
Contains the basic annotations to be used by all type systems
and meta-annotations to qualify annotations (qualifiers).
com.jme3.anim |
central classes of the "new" animation system (the one using AnimComposer and
com.jme3.anim.interpolator |
interpolation support for the "new" animation system
com.jme3.anim.tween |
tweening support for the "new" animation system
com.jme3.anim.tween.action |
actions and blending support for the "new" animation system
com.jme3.anim.util |
utility classes that support the "new" animation system
com.jme3.animation |
com.jme3.animation package contains various classes
for managing animation inside a jME3 application. | | | | | | |
com.jme3.asset |
com.jme3.asset contains the AssetManager ,
a utility class that is used to load assets such as textures, models, and
sound effects in a jME3 application. |
com.jme3.asset.cache | |
com.jme3.asset.plugins |
access loadable assets on the classpath, in a filesystem, or on the Web
| |
audio support, including music and sound effects
| |
audio support for Android devices
| |
audio support for devices running the iOS mobile operating system
| |
audio support based on the Lightweight Java Game Library (LWJGL)
| |
audio support based on the OpenAL API
| |
audio formats supported across all platforms
com.jme3.bounding |
bounding volumes for collision detection and scene-graph culling
com.jme3.bullet |
central classes of the physics system
com.jme3.bullet.animation |
A dynamic animation control and some associated classes.
com.jme3.bullet.collision |
physics-based collision detection, including ray tests and sweep tests
com.jme3.bullet.collision.shapes |
collision shapes: standard shapes used in physics-based collision detection
com.jme3.bullet.collision.shapes.infos |
supplemental classes for physics-based collision detection
com.jme3.bullet.control |
physics controls: scene-graph controls for linking physics collision objects
to spatials
com.jme3.bullet.control.ragdoll |
supplemental classes related to KinematicRagdollControl
com.jme3.bullet.debug |
visualize physics objects for debugging
com.jme3.bullet.joints |
physics joints: join pairs of rigid bodies in order to constrain their
relative motion
com.jme3.bullet.joints.motors |
motors: supplemental classes related to physics joints
com.jme3.bullet.objects |
physics collision objects, including vehicles
com.jme3.bullet.objects.infos |
supplemental classes related to physics collision objects
com.jme3.bullet.util |
utility classes related to Bullet physics
com.jme3.cinematic |
cinematics, for programming cutscenes and the like
| |
events for use in cinematics
com.jme3.collision |
scene-based (non-physics) collision detection
com.jme3.collision.bih |
bounding interval hierarchies (BIH) for use in collision detection
com.jme3.cursors.plugins |
cursor formats supported across all platforms
com.jme3.effect |
com.jme3.effect package allows particle emitter effects to be
used with a jME3 application. |
com.jme3.effect.influencers |
particle influencers for use in special effects
com.jme3.effect.shapes |
emitter shapes for use in particle effects
com.jme3.environment |
generate lighting environments for physically-based rendering (PBR)
com.jme3.environment.generation |
supplemental classes for generating lighting environments
com.jme3.environment.util |
utilities for generating lighting environments
com.jme3.export |
load and save assets in jMonkeyEngine's native formats, including J3O
com.jme3.export.binary |
J3O format (jMonkeyEngine's native binary format)
com.jme3.export.xml |
load and save assets (such as models) in XML format
com.jme3.font |
render letters, numbers, and other glyphs
com.jme3.font.plugins |
font formats supported across all platforms
com.jme3.input |
com.jme3.input package is used for all input handling in
jMonkeyEngine. | |
user-input classes specific to Android devices
com.jme3.input.awt |
user-input classes specific to the Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT)
com.jme3.input.controls |
com.jme3.input.controls package allows user code to listen
to input events regardless of the type of input used. |
com.jme3.input.dummy |
com.jme3.input.dummy package provides "dummy" or "null"
implementations of the input interfaces. |
com.jme3.input.event |
com.jme3.input.event package contains low-level input events. |
com.jme3.input.ios |
user-input classes specific to the iOS mobile operating system
com.jme3.input.lwjgl |
user input based on the Lightweight Java Game Library (LWJGL)
com.jme3.input.vr |
user-input classes for Virtual Reality (VR) applications
com.jme3.input.vr.lwjgl_openvr | |
com.jme3.input.vr.oculus |
user-input classes for Oculus Rift headsets
com.jme3.input.vr.openvr |
user-input classes for devices that use the OpenVR API
com.jme3.input.vr.osvr |
user-input classes for devices that use the Open Source Virtual Reality
com.jme3.light |
com.jme3.light package contains various lights that can be placed
in a scene. |
com.jme3.lwjgl3.utils |
miscellaneous code for interfacing with v3 of the Lightweight Java Game
Library (LWJGL)
com.jme3.material |
com.jme3.material package contains classes for manipulating
jMonkeyEngine materials. |
com.jme3.material.logic | |
com.jme3.material.plugin.export.material |
export a Material using the J3M file format
com.jme3.material.plugin.export.materialdef |
export a material definition using the J3MD file format
com.jme3.material.plugins |
the J3M asset format
com.jme3.math |
com.jme3.math package provides mathematical data structures
and utilities which are used by the rest of the engine. | |
The network package contains the public API for the jME3
SpiderMonkey networking module.
| | | | | |
The kernel package is the heart of the JME networking module
and controls the routing and dispatch of message data over
different transport implementations.
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
com.jme3.niftygui |
implement interactive user interfaces using Nifty GUI
com.jme3.opencl |
This package contains an API for using OpenCL together with jME3.
com.jme3.opencl.lwjgl |
OpenCL access based on the Lightweight Java Game Library (LWJGL)
| | | |
The package provides utilities for
render processing. | |
standard special-effects filters
| |
screen-space ambient occlusion (SSAO) effects
com.jme3.profile |
performance profiling
com.jme3.renderer |
com.jme3.renderer package provides classes responsible for
rendering. | |
graphics-rendering code specific to Android devices
com.jme3.renderer.ios |
graphics-rendering code specific to the iOS mobile operating system
com.jme3.renderer.lwjgl |
rendering support for the Lightweight Java Game Library (LWJGL)
com.jme3.renderer.opengl |
rendering based on OpenGL (Open Graphics Library)
com.jme3.renderer.queue |
determine the order in which geometries are rendered
com.jme3.scene |
com.jme3.input package contains the scene graph implementation
in jMonkeyEngine. |
com.jme3.scene.control |
com.jme3.control package provides
controls . |
com.jme3.scene.debug |
meshes for debug visualizations
com.jme3.scene.debug.custom |
visualize for animation armatures for debugging
com.jme3.scene.instancing |
share mesh data across multiple geometries
com.jme3.scene.mesh |
com.jme3.scene.mesh package contains utilities
for reading from index buffers . |
com.jme3.scene.plugins | |
com.jme3.scene.plugins.fbx |
import models in the FBX file format
com.jme3.scene.plugins.fbx.anim |
import animations from an FBX asset
com.jme3.scene.plugins.fbx.file |
read and parse FBX files
com.jme3.scene.plugins.fbx.material |
import materials from an FBX asset
com.jme3.scene.plugins.fbx.mesh |
import meshes from an FBX asset
com.jme3.scene.plugins.fbx.misc | |
com.jme3.scene.plugins.fbx.node |
import nodes from an FBX asset
com.jme3.scene.plugins.fbx.obj | |
com.jme3.scene.plugins.fbx.objects | |
com.jme3.scene.plugins.gltf |
import 3-D models in Graphics Language Transmission Format (glTF) format
com.jme3.scene.plugins.ogre |
import 3-D models in formats defined by the OGRE 3-D engine
com.jme3.scene.plugins.ogre.matext |
com.jme3.scene.plugins.ogre.matext allows loading of more advanced
Ogre3D materials that use "base" materials to abstract functionality. |
com.jme3.scene.shape |
generate meshes for various geometric shapes
com.jme3.shader |
manage and manipulate OpenGL shaders
com.jme3.shader.plugins | |
com.jme3.shadow |
simulate shadows using filters or renderers
com.jme3.system |
interface with the underlying operating system
| | |
com.jme3.system.awt | |
com.jme3.system.ios |
code specific to the iOS mobile operating system
com.jme3.system.jopenvr | |
com.jme3.system.lwjgl | |
com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientkit | |
com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientreporttypes | |
com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrdisplay | |
com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrinterface | |
com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrmatrixconventions | |
com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanager | |
com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl | |
com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrtimevalue | |
com.jme3.terrain |
the terrain system
com.jme3.terrain.executor |
execute background tasks connected with terrain
com.jme3.terrain.geomipmap | |
com.jme3.terrain.geomipmap.grid | |
com.jme3.terrain.geomipmap.lodcalc | |
com.jme3.terrain.geomipmap.lodcalc.util | |
com.jme3.terrain.geomipmap.picking |
picking algorithms for use with terrain
com.jme3.terrain.heightmap |
heightmaps for use with terrain
com.jme3.terrain.noise | |
com.jme3.terrain.noise.basis | |
com.jme3.terrain.noise.filter |
filters to modify terrain
com.jme3.terrain.noise.fractal |
use fractals to generate terrain
com.jme3.terrain.noise.modulator | |
com.jme3.texture |
textures for applying image data to 3-D geometries
com.jme3.texture.image | |
com.jme3.texture.plugins | |
com.jme3.texture.plugins.ktx | |
com.jme3.ui |
display 2-D images
com.jme3.util |
utility classes and miscellaneous useful algorithms
com.jme3.util.blockparser |
parse block-structured languages that use braces and semicolons
com.jme3.util.clone |
generate deep clones of objects
com.jme3.util.functional | |
com.jme3.util.mikktspace |
generate tangents for models using the mikktspace algorithm
com.jme3.util.xml |
utilities for parsing XML
com.jme3.water |
water effects
jme3test |
launch example apps and non-automated tests
jme3test.animation |
example apps and non-automated tests for animation and cinematics
| | | |
example apps and non-automated tests for appstates
jme3test.asset |
example apps and non-automated tests for asset loading
| |
example apps and non-automated tests for sound effects and music
jme3test.awt |
example apps and non-automated tests for interfacing to the Abstract Window
Toolkit (AWT)
jme3test.batching |
example apps and non-automated tests for batching multiple geometries into a
single Mesh
jme3test.bounding |
example apps and non-automated tests for bounding volumes
jme3test.bullet |
example apps and non-automated tests for Bullet physics
jme3test.bullet.shape |
example apps and non-automated tests for specific Bullet-physics collision
jme3test.collision |
example apps and non-automated tests for picking and non-physics collision
jme3test.conversion |
example apps and non-automated tests for converting textures
jme3test.effect |
example apps and non-automated tests for special effects, including particles
jme3test.export |
example apps and non-automated tests for asset exporting
| |
simple example games
jme3test.gui |
example apps and non-automated tests for native graphical user-interface
(GUI) support
jme3test.helloworld |
example apps used in the beginners tutorial
jme3test.input |
example apps and non-automated tests for user input
jme3test.input.combomoves |
example apps and non-automated tests for "combos" (user-input sequences)
jme3test.light |
example apps and non-automated tests for lighting
jme3test.light.pbr |
example apps and non-automated tests for physically based rendering (PBR)
jme3test.material |
example apps and non-automated tests for materials
jme3test.math |
example apps and non-automated tests for arithmetic
jme3test.model |
example apps and non-automated tests for 3-D models
jme3test.model.anim |
example apps and non-automated tests for animated 3-D models
jme3test.model.shape |
example apps and non-automated tests for meshes
| |
example apps and non-automated tests for network communication
jme3test.niftygui |
example apps and non-automated tests for Nifty GUI
jme3test.opencl |
example apps and non-automated tests for OpenCL support
| |
example apps and non-automated tests for post-processing, including filters
jme3test.renderer |
example apps and non-automated tests for rendering, including cameras
jme3test.scene |
example apps and non-automated tests for various scene-graph features
jme3test.scene.instancing |
example apps and non-automated tests for instancing
jme3test.stress |
non-automated stress tests
jme3test.terrain |
example apps and non-automated tests for modeling terrain
jme3test.texture |
example apps and non-automated tests for textures
| | |
jme3test.texture.ktx |
example apps and non-automated tests for textures in KTX (Khronos Texture)
| |
example apps and non-automated tests for miscellaneous tools
jme3test.water |
example apps and non-automated tests for water effects
jme3tools.converters | |
jme3tools.optimize | |
jme3tools.savegame | |
jme3tools.shader | |
jme3tools.shadercheck | |
test |