Interface | Description |
GL |
Baseline GL methods that must be available on all platforms.
GL2 |
GL functions only available on vanilla desktop OpenGL 2.
GL3 |
GL functions only available on vanilla desktop OpenGL 3.0+.
GL4 |
GL functions only available on vanilla desktop OpenGL 4.0.
GLES_30 |
GL functions and constants only available on vanilla OpenGL ES 3.0.
GLExt |
GL functions provided by extensions.
GLFbo |
Framebuffer object functions.
Class | Description |
GLDebug | |
GLDebugDesktop | |
GLDebugES | |
GLImageFormat |
Describes an OpenGL image format.
GLImageFormats |
Generates a table of supported image formats for a given renderer caps.
GLRenderer | |
GLTiming | |
GLTimingState | |
GLTracer |
Utility class that allows tracing of OpenGL calls generated by the engine.