Package com.jme3.math

Class Quaternion

All Implemented Interfaces:
Savable, Serializable, Cloneable

public final class Quaternion extends Object implements Savable, Cloneable, Serializable
Used to efficiently represent rotations and orientations in 3-dimensional space, without risk of gimbal lock. Each instance has 4 single-precision components: 3 imaginary components (X, Y, and Z) and a real component (W).

Mathematically, quaternions are an extension of complex numbers. In mathematics texts, W often appears first, but in JME it always comes last.

See Also:
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final Quaternion
    Another shared instance of the identity quaternion (0, 0, 0, 1).
    static final Quaternion
    Shared instance of the identity quaternion (0, 0, 0, 1).
    protected float
    The real (W) component.
    protected float
    The first imaginary (X) component.
    protected float
    The 2nd imaginary (Y) component.
    protected float
    The 3rd imaginary (Z) component.
    static final Quaternion
    Shared instance of the zero quaternion (0, 0, 0, 0).
  • Constructor Summary

    Instantiates an identity quaternion: all components zeroed except w, which is set to 1.
    Quaternion(float[] angles)
    Instantiates a quaternion from Tait-Bryan angles, applying the rotations in x-z-y extrinsic order or y-z'-x" intrinsic order.
    Quaternion(float x, float y, float z, float w)
    Instantiates a quaternion with the specified components.
    Instantiates a copy of the argument.
    Quaternion(Quaternion q1, Quaternion q2, float interp)
    Instantiates a quaternion by interpolating between the specified quaternions.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Adds the argument and returns the sum as a new instance.
    Adds the argument and returns the (modified) current instance.
    apply(Matrix3f matrix)
    Applies the rotation represented by the argument to the current instance.
    Creates a copy.
    Returns the dot product with the argument.
    Tests for exact equality with the argument, distinguishing -0 from 0.
    fromAngleAxis(float angle, Vector3f axis)
    Sets the quaternion from the specified rotation angle and axis of rotation.
    fromAngleNormalAxis(float angle, Vector3f axis)
    Sets the quaternion from the specified rotation angle and normalized axis of rotation.
    fromAngles(float[] angles)
    Sets the quaternion from the specified Tait-Bryan angles, applying the rotations in x-z-y extrinsic order or y-z'-x" intrinsic order.
    fromAngles(float xAngle, float yAngle, float zAngle)
    Sets the quaternion from the specified Tait-Bryan angles, applying the rotations in x-z-y extrinsic order or y-z'-x" intrinsic order.
    Sets the quaternion from the specified orthonormal basis.
    fromAxes(Vector3f xAxis, Vector3f yAxis, Vector3f zAxis)
    Sets the quaternion from the specified orthonormal basis.
    fromRotationMatrix(float m00, float m01, float m02, float m10, float m11, float m12, float m20, float m21, float m22)
    Sets the quaternion from a rotation matrix with the specified elements.
    Sets the quaternion from the specified rotation matrix.
    Calculates one of the basis vectors of the rotation.
    getRotationColumn(int i, Vector3f store)
    Calculates one of the basis vectors of the rotation.
    Returns the W (real) component.
    Returns the X component.
    Returns the Y component.
    Returns the Z component.
    Returns a hash code.
    Returns the multiplicative inverse.
    Inverts the quaternion and returns the (modified) current instance.
    Compares with the identity quaternion, without distinguishing -0 from 0.
    isSimilar(Quaternion other, float epsilon)
    Tests for approximate equality with the specified quaternion, using the specified tolerance.
    static boolean
    Tests whether the argument is a valid quaternion, returning false if it's null or if any component is NaN or infinite.
    Sets all components to zero except w, which is set to 1.
    lookAt(Vector3f direction, Vector3f up)
    Convenience method to set the quaternion based on a "look" (Z-axis) direction and an "up" (Y-axis) direction.
    mult(float scalar)
    Multiplies with the scalar argument and returns the product as a new instance.
    Multiplies by the argument and returns the product as a new instance.
    mult(Quaternion q, Quaternion storeResult)
    Multiplies by the specified quaternion and returns the product in a 3rd quaternion.
    Rotates the argument vector and returns the result as a new vector.
    mult(Vector3f v, Vector3f store)
    Rotates a specified vector and returns the result in another vector.
    multLocal(float scalar)
    Multiplies by the scalar argument and returns the (modified) current instance.
    multLocal(float qx, float qy, float qz, float qw)
    Multiplies by a quaternion with the specified components and returns the (modified) current instance.
    Multiplies by the argument and returns the (modified) current instance.
    Rotates the argument vector.
    The naming of this method doesn't follow convention.
    Negates all 4 components and returns the (modified) current instance.
    nlerp(Quaternion q2, float blend)
    Interpolates quickly between the current instance and q2 using nlerp, and stores the result in the current instance.
    Returns the norm, defined as the dot product of the quaternion with itself.
    Scales the quaternion to have norm=1 and returns the (modified) current instance.
    Returns a rotation with the same axis and the angle increased by 180 degrees.
    Changes the quaternion to a rotation with the same axis and the angle increased by 180 degrees.
    read(JmeImporter importer)
    De-serializes from the specified importer, for example when loading from a J3O file.
    Sets the quaternion from an ObjectInput object.
    set(float x, float y, float z, float w)
    Sets all 4 components to specified values.
    Copies all 4 components from the argument.
    slerp(Quaternion q2, float changeAmount)
    Interpolates between the current instance and q2 and stores the result in the current instance.
    slerp(Quaternion q1, Quaternion q2, float t)
    Interpolates between the specified quaternions and stores the result in the current instance.
    Subtracts the argument and returns difference as a new instance.
    Subtracts the argument and returns the (modified) current instance.
    toAngleAxis(Vector3f axisStore)
    Converts the quaternion to a rotation angle and axis of rotation, storing the axis in the argument (if it's non-null) and returning the angle.
    toAngles(float[] angles)
    Converts to equivalent Tait-Bryan angles, to be applied in x-z-y intrinsic order or y-z'-x" extrinsic order, for instance by fromAngles(float[]).
    toAxes(Vector3f[] axes)
    Converts the quaternion to a rotated coordinate system and stores the resulting axes in the argument.
    Converts to an equivalent rotation matrix.
    Converts to an equivalent rotation matrix.
    Sets the rotation component of the specified transform matrix.
    Returns a string representation of the quaternion, which is unaffected.
    Sets the rotation component of the specified transform matrix.
    Serializes to the specified exporter, for example when saving to a J3O file.
    Writes the quaternion to an ObjectOutput object.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details


      public static final Quaternion IDENTITY
      Shared instance of the identity quaternion (0, 0, 0, 1). Do not modify!

      This is the usual representation for a null rotation.


      public static final Quaternion DIRECTION_Z
      Another shared instance of the identity quaternion (0, 0, 0, 1). Do not modify!
    • ZERO

      public static final Quaternion ZERO
      Shared instance of the zero quaternion (0, 0, 0, 0). Do not modify!

      The zero quaternion doesn't represent any valid rotation.

    • x

      protected float x
      The first imaginary (X) component. Not an angle!
    • y

      protected float y
      The 2nd imaginary (Y) component. Not an angle!
    • z

      protected float z
      The 3rd imaginary (Z) component. Not an angle!
    • w

      protected float w
      The real (W) component. Not an angle!
  • Constructor Details

    • Quaternion

      public Quaternion()
      Instantiates an identity quaternion: all components zeroed except w, which is set to 1.
    • Quaternion

      public Quaternion(float x, float y, float z, float w)
      Instantiates a quaternion with the specified components.
      x - the desired X component
      y - the desired Y component
      z - the desired Z component
      w - the desired W component
    • Quaternion

      public Quaternion(float[] angles)
      Instantiates a quaternion from Tait-Bryan angles, applying the rotations in x-z-y extrinsic order or y-z'-x" intrinsic order.
      angles - an array of Tait-Bryan angles (in radians, exactly 3 elements, the X angle in angles[0], the Y angle in angles[1], and the Z angle in angles[2], not null, unaffected)
    • Quaternion

      public Quaternion(Quaternion q1, Quaternion q2, float interp)
      Instantiates a quaternion by interpolating between the specified quaternions.

      Uses slerp(com.jme3.math.Quaternion, com.jme3.math.Quaternion, float), which is fast but inaccurate.

      q1 - the desired value when interp=0 (not null, unaffected)
      q2 - the desired value when interp=1 (not null, may be modified)
      interp - the fractional change amount
    • Quaternion

      public Quaternion(Quaternion q)
      Instantiates a copy of the argument.
      q - the quaternion to copy (not null, unaffected)
  • Method Details

    • getX

      public float getX()
      Returns the X component. The quaternion is unaffected.
      the value of the x component
    • getY

      public float getY()
      Returns the Y component. The quaternion is unaffected.
      the value of the y component
    • getZ

      public float getZ()
      Returns the Z component. The quaternion is unaffected.
      the value of the z component
    • getW

      public float getW()
      Returns the W (real) component. The quaternion is unaffected.
      the value of the w component
    • set

      public Quaternion set(float x, float y, float z, float w)
      Sets all 4 components to specified values.
      x - the desired X component
      y - the desired Y component
      z - the desired Z component
      w - the desired W component
      the (modified) current instance (for chaining)
    • set

      public Quaternion set(Quaternion q)
      Copies all 4 components from the argument.
      q - the quaternion to copy (not null, unaffected)
      the (modified) current instance (for chaining)
    • loadIdentity

      public void loadIdentity()
      Sets all components to zero except w, which is set to 1.
    • isIdentity

      public boolean isIdentity()
      Compares with the identity quaternion, without distinguishing -0 from 0. The current instance is unaffected.
      true if the current quaternion equals the identity, otherwise false
    • fromAngles

      public Quaternion fromAngles(float[] angles)
      Sets the quaternion from the specified Tait-Bryan angles, applying the rotations in x-z-y extrinsic order or y-z'-x" intrinsic order.
      angles - an array of Tait-Bryan angles (in radians, exactly 3 elements, the X angle in angles[0], the Y angle in angles[1], and the Z angle in angles[2], not null, unaffected)
      the (modified) current instance (for chaining)
      IllegalArgumentException - if angles.length != 3
    • fromAngles

      public Quaternion fromAngles(float xAngle, float yAngle, float zAngle)
      Sets the quaternion from the specified Tait-Bryan angles, applying the rotations in x-z-y extrinsic order or y-z'-x" intrinsic order.
      xAngle - the X angle (in radians)
      yAngle - the Y angle (in radians)
      zAngle - the Z angle (in radians)
      the (modified) current instance (for chaining)
      See Also:
    • toAngles

      public float[] toAngles(float[] angles)
      Converts to equivalent Tait-Bryan angles, to be applied in x-z-y intrinsic order or y-z'-x" extrinsic order, for instance by fromAngles(float[]). The current instance is unaffected.
      angles - storage for the result, or null for a new float[3]
      an array of 3 angles (in radians, either angles or a new float[3], the X angle in angles[0], the Y angle in angles[1], and the Z angle in angles[2])
      IllegalArgumentException - if angles.length != 3
      See Also:
    • fromRotationMatrix

      public Quaternion fromRotationMatrix(Matrix3f matrix)
      Sets the quaternion from the specified rotation matrix.

      Does not verify that the argument is a valid rotation matrix. Positive scaling is compensated for, but not reflection or shear.

      matrix - the input matrix (not null, unaffected)
      the (modified) current instance (for chaining)
    • fromRotationMatrix

      public Quaternion fromRotationMatrix(float m00, float m01, float m02, float m10, float m11, float m12, float m20, float m21, float m22)
      Sets the quaternion from a rotation matrix with the specified elements.

      Does not verify that the arguments form a valid rotation matrix. Positive scaling is compensated for, but not reflection or shear.

      m00 - the matrix element in row 0, column 0
      m01 - the matrix element in row 0, column 1
      m02 - the matrix element in row 0, column 2
      m10 - the matrix element in row 1, column 0
      m11 - the matrix element in row 1, column 1
      m12 - the matrix element in row 1, column 2
      m20 - the matrix element in row 2, column 0
      m21 - the matrix element in row 2, column 1
      m22 - the matrix element in row 2, column 2
      the (modified) current instance (for chaining)
    • toRotationMatrix

      public Matrix3f toRotationMatrix()
      Converts to an equivalent rotation matrix. The current instance is unaffected.

      Note: the result is created from a normalized version of the current instance.

      a new 3x3 rotation matrix
    • toRotationMatrix

      public Matrix3f toRotationMatrix(Matrix3f result)
      Converts to an equivalent rotation matrix. The current instance is unaffected.

      Note: the result is created from a normalized version of the current instance.

      result - storage for the result (not null)
      result, configured as a 3x3 rotation matrix
    • toTransformMatrix

      public Matrix4f toTransformMatrix(Matrix4f store)
      Sets the rotation component of the specified transform matrix. The current instance is unaffected.

      Note: preserves the translation component of store but not its scaling component.

      Note: the result is created from a normalized version of the current instance.

      store - storage for the result (not null)
      store, with 9 of its 16 elements modified
    • toRotationMatrix

      public Matrix4f toRotationMatrix(Matrix4f result)
      Sets the rotation component of the specified transform matrix. The current instance is unaffected.

      Note: preserves the translation and scaling components of result unless result includes reflection.

      Note: the result is created from a normalized version of the current instance.

      result - storage for the result (not null)
      result, with 9 of its 16 elements modified
    • getRotationColumn

      public Vector3f getRotationColumn(int i)
      Calculates one of the basis vectors of the rotation. The current instance is unaffected.

      Note: the result is created from a normalized version of the current instance.

      i - which basis vector to retrieve (≥0, <3, 0→X-axis, 1→Y-axis, 2→Z-axis)
      the basis vector (a new Vector3f)
    • getRotationColumn

      public Vector3f getRotationColumn(int i, Vector3f store)
      Calculates one of the basis vectors of the rotation. The current instance is unaffected.

      Note: the result is created from a normalized version of the current instance.

      i - which basis vector to retrieve (≥0, <3, 0→X-axis, 1→Y-axis, 2→Z-axis)
      store - storage for the result, or null for a new Vector3f
      the basis vector (either store or a new Vector3f)
      IllegalArgumentException - if index is not 0, 1, or 2
    • fromAngleAxis

      public Quaternion fromAngleAxis(float angle, Vector3f axis)
      Sets the quaternion from the specified rotation angle and axis of rotation. This method creates garbage, so use fromAngleNormalAxis(float, com.jme3.math.Vector3f) if the axis is known to be normalized.
      angle - the desired rotation angle (in radians)
      axis - the desired axis of rotation (not null, unaffected)
      the (modified) current instance (for chaining)
    • fromAngleNormalAxis

      public Quaternion fromAngleNormalAxis(float angle, Vector3f axis)
      Sets the quaternion from the specified rotation angle and normalized axis of rotation. If the axis might not be normalized, use fromAngleAxis(float, com.jme3.math.Vector3f) instead.
      angle - the desired rotation angle (in radians)
      axis - the desired axis of rotation (not null, length=1, unaffected)
      the (modified) current instance (for chaining)
    • toAngleAxis

      public float toAngleAxis(Vector3f axisStore)
      Converts the quaternion to a rotation angle and axis of rotation, storing the axis in the argument (if it's non-null) and returning the angle.

      If the quaternion has x*x + y*y + z*z == 0, then (1,0,0) is stored and 0 is returned. (This might happen if the rotation angle is very close to 0.)

      Otherwise, the quaternion is assumed to be normalized (norm=1). No error checking is performed; the caller must ensure that the quaternion is normalized.

      In all cases, the current instance is unaffected.

      axisStore - storage for the axis (modified if not null)
      the rotation angle (in radians)
    • slerp

      public Quaternion slerp(Quaternion q1, Quaternion q2, float t)
      Interpolates between the specified quaternions and stores the result in the current instance.
      q1 - the desired value when interp=0 (not null, unaffected)
      q2 - the desired value when interp=1 (not null, may be modified)
      t - the fractional change amount
      the (modified) current instance (for chaining)
    • slerp

      public void slerp(Quaternion q2, float changeAmount)
      Interpolates between the current instance and q2 and stores the result in the current instance.

      This method is often more accurate than nlerp(com.jme3.math.Quaternion, float), but slower.

      q2 - the desired value when changeAmnt=1 (not null, may be modified)
      changeAmount - the fractional change amount
    • nlerp

      public void nlerp(Quaternion q2, float blend)
      Interpolates quickly between the current instance and q2 using nlerp, and stores the result in the current instance.

      This method is often faster than slerp(com.jme3.math.Quaternion, float), but less accurate.

      q2 - the desired value when blend=1 (not null, unaffected)
      blend - the fractional change amount
    • add

      public Quaternion add(Quaternion q)
      Adds the argument and returns the sum as a new instance. The current instance is unaffected.

      Seldom used. To combine rotations, use mult(com.jme3.math.Quaternion) instead of this method.

      q - the quaternion to add (not null, unaffected)
      a new Quaternion
    • addLocal

      public Quaternion addLocal(Quaternion q)
      Adds the argument and returns the (modified) current instance.

      Seldom used. To combine rotations, use multLocal(com.jme3.math.Quaternion) or mult(com.jme3.math.Quaternion, com.jme3.math.Quaternion) instead of this method.

      q - the quaternion to add (not null, unaffected unless it's this)
      the (modified) current instance (for chaining)
    • subtract

      public Quaternion subtract(Quaternion q)
      Subtracts the argument and returns difference as a new instance. The current instance is unaffected.
      q - the quaternion to subtract (not null, unaffected)
      a new Quaternion
    • subtractLocal

      public Quaternion subtractLocal(Quaternion q)
      Subtracts the argument and returns the (modified) current instance.

      To quantify the similarity of 2 normalized quaternions, use dot(com.jme3.math.Quaternion).

      q - the quaternion to subtract (not null, unaffected unless it's this)
      the (modified) current instance
    • mult

      public Quaternion mult(Quaternion q)
      Multiplies by the argument and returns the product as a new instance. The current instance is unaffected.

      This method is used to combine rotations. Note that quaternion multiplication is noncommutative, so generally q * p != p * q.

      q - the right factor (not null, unaffected)
      this * q (a new Quaternion)
    • mult

      public Quaternion mult(Quaternion q, Quaternion storeResult)
      Multiplies by the specified quaternion and returns the product in a 3rd quaternion. The current instance is unaffected, unless it's storeResult.

      This method is used to combine rotations. Note that quaternion multiplication is noncommutative, so generally q * p != p * q.

      It is safe for q and storeResult to be the same object. However, if this and storeResult are the same object, the result is undefined.

      q - the right factor (not null, unaffected unless it's storeResult)
      storeResult - storage for the product, or null for a new Quaternion
      this * q (either storeResult or a new Quaternion)
    • apply

      public void apply(Matrix3f matrix)
      Applies the rotation represented by the argument to the current instance.

      Does not verify that matrix is a valid rotation matrix. Positive scaling is compensated for, but not reflection or shear.

      matrix - the rotation matrix to apply (not null, unaffected)
    • fromAxes

      public Quaternion fromAxes(Vector3f[] axis)
      Sets the quaternion from the specified orthonormal basis.

      The 3 basis vectors describe the axes of a rotated coordinate system. They are assumed to be normalized, mutually orthogonal, and in right-hand order. No error checking is performed; the caller must ensure that the specified vectors represent a right-handed coordinate system.

      axis - the array of desired basis vectors (not null, array length=3, each vector having length=1, unaffected)
      the (modified) current instance (for chaining)
      IllegalArgumentException - if axis.length != 3
    • fromAxes

      public Quaternion fromAxes(Vector3f xAxis, Vector3f yAxis, Vector3f zAxis)
      Sets the quaternion from the specified orthonormal basis.

      The 3 basis vectors describe the axes of a rotated coordinate system. They are assumed to be normalized, mutually orthogonal, and in right-hand order. No error checking is performed; the caller must ensure that the specified vectors represent a right-handed coordinate system.

      xAxis - the X axis of the desired coordinate system (not null, length=1, unaffected)
      yAxis - the Y axis of the desired coordinate system (not null, length=1, unaffected)
      zAxis - the Z axis of the desired coordinate system (not null, length=1, unaffected)
      the (modified) current instance (for chaining)
    • toAxes

      public void toAxes(Vector3f[] axes)
      Converts the quaternion to a rotated coordinate system and stores the resulting axes in the argument. The current instance is unaffected.

      The resulting vectors form the basis of a rotated coordinate system. They will be normalized, mutually orthogonal, and in right-hand order.

      axes - storage for the results (not null, length=3, each element non-null, elements modified)
      IllegalArgumentException - if axes.length != 3
    • mult

      public Vector3f mult(Vector3f v)
      Rotates the argument vector and returns the result as a new vector. The current instance is unaffected.

      The quaternion is assumed to be normalized (norm=1). No error checking is performed; the caller must ensure that the norm is approximately equal to 1.

      Despite the name, the result differs from the mathematical definition of vector-quaternion multiplication.

      v - the vector to rotate (not null, unaffected)
      a new Vector3f
    • multLocal

      public Vector3f multLocal(Vector3f v)
      Rotates the argument vector. Despite the name, the current instance is unaffected.

      The quaternion is assumed to be normalized (norm=1). No error checking is performed; the caller must ensure that the norm is approximately equal to 1.

      Despite the name, the result differs from the mathematical definition of vector-quaternion multiplication.

      v - the vector to rotate (not null)
      the (modified) vector v
    • multLocal

      public Quaternion multLocal(Quaternion q)
      Multiplies by the argument and returns the (modified) current instance.

      This method is used to combine rotations. Note that quaternion multiplication is noncommutative, so generally q * p != p * q.

      q - the right factor (not null, unaffected unless it's this)
      the (modified) current instance (for chaining)
    • multLocal

      public Quaternion multLocal(float qx, float qy, float qz, float qw)
      Multiplies by a quaternion with the specified components and returns the (modified) current instance.

      This method is used to combine rotations. Note that quaternion multiplication is noncommutative, so generally q * p != p * q.

      qx - the X component of the right factor
      qy - the Y component of the right factor
      qz - the Z component of the right factor
      qw - the W component of the right factor
      the (modified) current instance (for chaining)
    • mult

      public Vector3f mult(Vector3f v, Vector3f store)
      Rotates a specified vector and returns the result in another vector. The current instance is unaffected.

      The quaternion is assumed to be normalized (norm=1). No error checking is performed; the caller must ensure that the norm is approximately equal to 1.

      It is safe for v and store to be the same object.

      Despite the name, the result differs from the mathematical definition of vector-quaternion multiplication.

      v - the vector to rotate (not null, unaffected unless it's store)
      store - storage for the result, or null for a new Vector3f
      the rotated vector (either store or a new Vector3f)
    • mult

      public Quaternion mult(float scalar)
      Multiplies with the scalar argument and returns the product as a new instance. The current instance is unaffected.
      scalar - the scaling factor
      a new Quaternion
    • multLocal

      public Quaternion multLocal(float scalar)
      Multiplies by the scalar argument and returns the (modified) current instance.
      scalar - the scaling factor
      the (modified) current instance (for chaining)
    • dot

      public float dot(Quaternion q)
      Returns the dot product with the argument. The current instance is unaffected.

      This method can be used to quantify the similarity of 2 normalized quaternions.

      q - the quaternion to multiply (not null, unaffected)
      the dot product
    • norm

      public float norm()
      Returns the norm, defined as the dot product of the quaternion with itself. The current instance is unaffected.
      the sum of the squared components (not negative)
    • normalizeLocal

      public Quaternion normalizeLocal()
      Scales the quaternion to have norm=1 and returns the (modified) current instance. For a quaternion with norm=0, the result is undefined.
      the (modified) current instance (for chaining)
    • inverse

      public Quaternion inverse()
      Returns the multiplicative inverse. For a quaternion with norm=0, null is returned. Either way, the current instance is unaffected.
      a new Quaternion or null
    • inverseLocal

      public Quaternion inverseLocal()
      Inverts the quaternion and returns the (modified) current instance. For a quaternion with norm=0, the current instance is unchanged.
      the current instance (for chaining)
    • negate

      @Deprecated public void negate()
      The naming of this method doesn't follow convention. Please use negateLocal() instead.
      Negates all 4 components.
    • negateLocal

      public Quaternion negateLocal()
      Negates all 4 components and returns the (modified) current instance.
      the (modified) current instance (for chaining)
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Returns a string representation of the quaternion, which is unaffected. For example, the identity quaternion is represented by:
       (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
      toString in class Object
      the string representation (not null, not empty)
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      Tests for exact equality with the argument, distinguishing -0 from 0. If o is null, false is returned. Either way, the current instance is unaffected.
      equals in class Object
      o - the object to compare (may be null, unaffected)
      true if this and o have identical values, otherwise false
    • isSimilar

      public boolean isSimilar(Quaternion other, float epsilon)
      Tests for approximate equality with the specified quaternion, using the specified tolerance. The current instance is unaffected.

      To quantify the similarity of 2 normalized quaternions, use dot(com.jme3.math.Quaternion).

      other - the quaternion to compare (not null, unaffected)
      epsilon - the tolerance for each component
      true if all 4 components are within tolerance, otherwise false
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      Returns a hash code. If two quaternions have identical values, they will have the same hash code. The current instance is unaffected.
      hashCode in class Object
      a 32-bit value for use in hashing
      See Also:
    • readExternal

      public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException
      Sets the quaternion from an ObjectInput object.

      Used with serialization. Should not be invoked directly by application code.

      in - the object to read from (not null)
      IOException - if the ObjectInput cannot read a float
      See Also:
    • writeExternal

      public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException
      Writes the quaternion to an ObjectOutput object.

      Used with serialization. Should not be invoked directly by application code.

      out - the object to write to (not null)
      IOException - if the ObjectOutput cannot write a float
      See Also:
    • lookAt

      public Quaternion lookAt(Vector3f direction, Vector3f up)
      Convenience method to set the quaternion based on a "look" (Z-axis) direction and an "up" (Y-axis) direction.

      If either vector has length=0, the result is undefined.

      If the vectors are parallel, the result is undefined.

      direction - the desired Z-axis direction (in local coordinates, not null, length>0, unaffected)
      up - the desired Y-axis direction (in local coordinates, not null, length>0, unaffected, typically (0,1,0) )
      the (modified) current instance (for chaining)
    • write

      public void write(JmeExporter e) throws IOException
      Serializes to the specified exporter, for example when saving to a J3O file. The current instance is unaffected.
      Specified by:
      write in interface Savable
      e - the exporter to use (not null)
      IOException - from the exporter
    • read

      public void read(JmeImporter importer) throws IOException
      De-serializes from the specified importer, for example when loading from a J3O file.
      Specified by:
      read in interface Savable
      importer - the importer to use (not null)
      IOException - from the importer
    • opposite

      public Quaternion opposite()
      A new quaternion that describes a rotation that would point you in the exact opposite direction of this Quaternion.
    • opposite

      public Quaternion opposite(Quaternion store)
      Returns a rotation with the same axis and the angle increased by 180 degrees. If the quaternion isn't normalized, or if the rotation angle is very small, the result is undefined.

      The current instance is unaffected, unless store is this.

      store - storage for the result, or null for a new Quaternion
      either store or a new Quaternion
    • oppositeLocal

      public Quaternion oppositeLocal()
      Changes the quaternion to a rotation with the same axis and the angle increased by 180 degrees. If the quaternion isn't normalized, or if the rotation angle is very small, the result is undefined.
      the (modified) current instance
    • clone

      public Quaternion clone()
      Creates a copy. The current instance is unaffected.
      clone in class Object
      a new instance, equivalent to the current one
    • isValidQuaternion

      public static boolean isValidQuaternion(Quaternion quaternion)
      Tests whether the argument is a valid quaternion, returning false if it's null or if any component is NaN or infinite.
      quaternion - the quaternion to test (unaffected)
      true if non-null and finite, otherwise false