Class XMLExporter

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class XMLExporter extends Object implements JmeExporter
Part of the jME XML IO system as introduced in the Google Code jmexml project.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • XMLExporter

      public XMLExporter()
  • Method Details

    • save

      public void save(Savable object, OutputStream outputStream) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: JmeExporter
      Export the Savable to an OutputStream.
      Specified by:
      save in interface JmeExporter
      object - The savable to export
      outputStream - The output stream
      IOException - If an io exception occurs during export
    • save

      public void save(Savable object, File f, boolean createDirectories) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: JmeExporter
      Export the Savable to a file. If the path to the file doesn't exist, the parent directories can be created if the createDirectories flag is true. If the path does not exist and createDirectories is false, then an exception is thrown.
      Specified by:
      save in interface JmeExporter
      object - The savable to export
      f - The file to export to
      createDirectories - flag to indicate if the directories should be created
      IOException - If an io exception occurs during export
    • getCapsule

      public OutputCapsule getCapsule(Savable object)
      Description copied from interface: JmeExporter
      Returns the OutputCapsule for the given savable object.
      Specified by:
      getCapsule in interface JmeExporter
      object - The object to retrieve an output capsule for.
      the OutputCapsule for the given savable object.
    • setIndentSpaces

      public void setIndentSpaces(int indentSpaces)
      Sets the number of spaces used to indent nested tags.
      indentSpaces - The number of spaces to indent for each level of nesting. Default is 4. Pass 0 to disable pretty printing and write document without adding any whitespace.
    • getInstance

      public static XMLExporter getInstance()