All Classes and Interfaces

AbstractAppState implements some common methods that make creation of AppStates easier.
An eight sided box.
This call contains the basic behavior of a cinematic event.
Convenient base class for ClientServices providing some default ClientService interface implementations as well as a few convenience methods such as getServiceManager() and getService(type).
An abstract implementation of the Control interface.
AbstractHeightMap provides a base implementation of height data for terrain rendering.
Convenient base class for HostedServices providing some default HostedService interface implementations as well as a few convenience methods such as getServiceManager() and getService(type).
Convenient base class for HostedServices providing some default HostedService interface implementations as well as a few convenience methods such as getServiceManager() and getService(type).
A joystick represents a single joystick that is installed in the system.
Base implementation of the Kernel interface providing several useful default implementations of some methods.
Interface implemented by all network messages.
A MessageListener implementation that will forward messages to methods of a delegate object.
Abstract implementation of OpenCLObject providing the release mechanisms.
Manage the life cycle of a physics object linked to a spatial in a scene graph.
The abstract base class for physics-debug controls (such as BulletRigidBodyDebugControl) used to visualize individual collision objects and joints.
Base class providing some default Service interface implementations as well as a few convenience methods such as getServiceManager() and getService(type).
Generic abstract filter that holds common implementations for the different shadow filters
The jme3-vr module is deprecated and will be removed in a future version (as it only supports OpenVR).
abstract shadow renderer that holds commons feature to have for a shadow renderer
The jme3-vr module is deprecated and will be removed in a future version (as it only supports OpenVR).
A Collidable with a triangular shape.
Base implementation of the Tween interface that provides default implementations of the getLength() and interpolate() methods that provide common tween clamping and bounds checking.
An abstract implementation of a VRMouseManager.
A VR view manager.
Wraps an array of Tween actions into an action object.
ActionListener is used to receive input events in "digital" style.
An ambient light adds a constant color to the scene.
The jme3-vr module is deprecated and will be removed in a future version (as it only supports OpenVR).
AnalogListener is used to receive events of inputs in analog format.
AndroidAudioLoader will create an AndroidAudioData object with the specified asset key.
implemented AndroidNativeBufferAllocator instead.
Loads textures using Android's Bitmap class, but does not have the RGBA8 alpha bug.
AndroidConfigChooser is used to determine the best suited EGL Config
AndroidGestureHandler uses Gesture type listeners to create jME TouchEvents for gestures.
AndroidHarness wraps a jme application object and runs it on Android
AndroidInput is the main class that connects the Android system inputs to jME.
AndroidInputHandler14 extends AndroidInputHandler to add the onHover and onGenericMotion events that where added in Android rev 14 (Android 4.0).
The onGenericMotion events are the main interface to Joystick axes.
Main class that manages various joystick devices.
AndroidJoyInput14 extends AndroidJoyInput to include support for physical joysticks/gamepads.
Main class that creates and manages Android inputs for physical gamepads/joysticks.
AndroidKeyMapping is just a utility to convert the Android keyCodes into jME KeyCodes so that events received in jME's KeyEvent will match between Desktop and Android.
Converts from Java based logging (Logger to Android based logging Log.
Allocates and destroys direct byte buffers using native code.
Native image loader to deal with filetypes that support alpha channels.
AndroidSensorJoyInput converts the Android Sensor system into Joystick events.
AndroidTouchInput is the base class that receives touch inputs from the Android system and creates the TouchEvents for jME.
AndroidTouchHandler14 extends AndroidTouchHandler to process the onHover events added in Android rev 14 (Android 4.0).
Defines animations set that will be created while loading FBX scene
Created by Nehon An AnimationMask is defining a subset of elements on which an animation will be applied.
use AnimationEvent instead
A named set of animation tracks that can be played in synchrony.
AnimComposer is a Spatial control that allows manipulation of armature (skeletal) animation.
A CinematicEvent that plays a canned animation action in an AnimComposer.
A convenience class to smoothly animate a Spatial using translation, rotation, and scaling.
Created by nehon on 15/04/17.
Created by nehon on 15/04/17.
A named portion of an AnimComposer that can run (at most) one Action at a time.
Interface to derive animation data from a track.
This class contains the Annotation definitions for jME3.
Annotation used for methods in math primitives that are destructive to the object (xxxLocal, setXXX etc.).
Annotation used for public methods that are not to be called by users.
Annotation used for math primitive fields, method parameters or method return values.
Helper class for alternative API functions.
Utility class useful to API bindings.
A data class for API versioning information.
Simple interface for Field filtering.
The Application interface represents the minimum exposed capabilities of a concrete jME3 application.
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Can be hooked into the application (and render manager) to receive callbacks about specific frame steps.
AppSettings provides a store of configuration to be used by the application.
AppState represents continuously executing code inside the main loop.
The AppStateManager holds a list of AppStates which it will update and render.
When an AppState is attached or detached, the AppState.stateAttached( and AppState.stateDetached( methods will be called respectively.
Indicates an application-level step within the profiled frame.
AppTask is used in AppTaskQueue to manage tasks that have yet to be accomplished.
use AreaUtils instead, due to wrong package
AreaUtils is used to calculate the area of various objects, such as bounding volumes.
Created by Nehon on 15/12/2017.
The class that creates a mesh to display how bones behave.
A class that displays a dotted line between a bone tail and its children's heads.
An AnimationMask to select joints from a single Armature.
The class that displays either wires between the bones' heads if no length data is supplied and full bones' shapes otherwise.
Array serializer
The Arrow debug shape represents an arrow.
AssetCache is an interface for asset caches.
AssetConfig loads a config file to configure the asset manager.
AssetEventListener is an interface for listening to various events happening inside AssetManager.
The result of locating an asset through an AssetKey.
AssetKey is a key that is used to look up a resource from a cache.
The AssetLinkNode does not store its children when exported to file.
An interface for asset loaders.
AssetLoadException is thrown when the AssetManager is able to find the requested asset, but there was a problem while loading it.
AssetLocator is used to locate a resource based on an AssetKey.
AssetManager provides an interface for managing the data assets of a jME3 application.
AssetNotFoundException is thrown when the AssetManager is unable to locate the requested asset using any of the registered AssetLocators.
AssetProcessor is used to apply processing to assets after they have been loaded.
Indicates that a given method should be executed asynchronously through the RMI service.
An attribute is a shader variable mapping to a VertexBuffer data on the CPU.
An AudioBuffer is an implementation of AudioData where the audio is buffered (stored in memory).
Holds render thread specific audio context information.
AudioData is an abstract representation of audio data.
AudioKey is extending AssetKey by holding stream flag.
AudioListenerState updates the audio listener's position, orientation, and velocity from a Camera.
An AudioNode is a scene Node which can play audio assets.
- use AudioSource.Status instead
Interface to be implemented by audio renderers.
Status indicates the current status of the audio source.
AudioStream is an implementation of AudioData that acquires the audio from an InputStream.
An app state dedicated to the rendering of a JMonkey application within an AWT component.
This class enables to update graphics of an AWT component with the result of JMonkey 3D rendering.
A JMonkey context that is dedicated to AWT component rendering.
A frame processor that enables to render JMonkey frame buffer onto an AWT component.
The implementation of the Input dedicated to AWT component.
The implementation of the KeyInput dedicated to AWT component.
The implementation of the MouseInput dedicated to AWT component.
This class is dedicated to the queuing of AWT related tasks and their execution.
A simple implementation for the abstract class Action to provide a wrapper for a Tween.
A base app state implementation the provides more built-in management convenience than AbstractAppState, including methods for enable/disable/initialize state management.
This strategy returns the closest probe from the rendered object.
An AppProfiler implementation that collects two per-frame application-wide timings for update versus render and uses it to create a bar chart style Mesh.
Provides a basic profiling visualization that shows per-frame application-wide timings for update and rendering.
use DirectionalLightShadowRenderer with one split.
Interface for - basically 3D - noise generation algorithms, based on the book: Texturing & Modeling - A Procedural Approach The main concept is to look at noise as a basis for generating fractals.
BatchNode holds geometries that are a batched version of all the geometries that are in its sub scenegraph.
Intended to replace the CharacterControl class.
Bounding Interval Hierarchy.
Determines how the billboard is aligned to the screen/camera.
Exports savable objects in jMonkeyEngine's native binary format.
The default loader to load binaries files.
Created by Nehon on 08/08/2017.
Represents a single bitmap character.
Represents a font within jME that is generated with the AngelCode Bitmap Font Generator
Specifies horizontal alignment for text.
Specifies vertical alignment for text.
BloomFilter is used to make objects in the scene have a glow effect.
There are 2 mode : Scene and Objects.
Scene mode extracts the bright parts of the scene to make them glow
Object mode makes objects glow according to their material's glowMap or their GlowColor
See advanced:bloom_and_glow for more details
GlowMode specifies if the glow will be applied to the whole scene or to objects that have a glow color or a glow map
use Joint
Link an animated bone in a skeleton to a jointed rigid body in a ragdoll.
Boolean serializer.
BoundingBox describes a bounding volume as an axis-aligned box.
BoundingSphere defines a sphere that defines a container for a group of vertices of a particular piece of geometry.
A debugging shape for a BoundingSphere Consists of 3 axis aligned circles.
BoundingVolume defines an interface for dealing with containment of a collection of points.
The type of bounding volume being used.
A box with solid (filled) faces.
Basic box collision shape
It basically works by casting a pick ray against the bounding volumes of the TerrainQuad and its children, gathering all of the TerrainPatches hit (in distance order.) The triangles of each patch are then tested using the BresenhamYUpGridTracer to determine which triangles to test and in what order.
Works on the XZ plane, with positive Y as up.
Wrapper for an OpenCL buffer object.
Result of an async mapping operation, contains the event and the target byte buffer.
Interface to create/destroy direct buffers.
The factory of buffer allocators.
Layout serializer for buffers
A generic memory buffer that can be divided in logical regions
Hint to suggest the renderer how to access this buffer
Hint to suggest the renderer how the data should be used
A slice of a buffer
BufferUtils is a helper class for generating nio buffers from jME data classes such as Vectors and ColorRGBA.
An app state to manage a single Bullet physics space.
Enumerate threading modes.
A physics-debug control used to visualize a PhysicsCharacter.
An app state to manage a debug visualization of a physics space.
Interface to restrict which physics objects are visualized.
A physics-debug control used to visualize a PhysicsGhostObject.
A physics-debug control used to visualize a PhysicsJoint.
A physics-debug control used to visualize a PhysicsRigidBody.
A physics-debug control used to visualize a PhysicsVehicle.
Byte serializer.
ByteUtils is a helper class for converting numeric primitives to and from byte representations.
Implementation of the PhysicalOggStream interface for reading and caching an Ogg stream from a URL.
Internal type denoting the type of call to make when remotely invoking methods.
A standalone, purely mathematical class for doing camera-related computations.
The result of a culling check operation.
This Control maintains a reference to a Camera, which will be synched with the position (worldTranslation) of the current spatial.
This class defines all the constants used in camera handlers for registration with the inputManager
CameraNode simply uses CameraControl to implement linking of camera and node data.
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Specifies a capability that the Renderer supports.
Basic capsule collision shape
Applies a cartoon-style edge detection filter to all objects in the scene.
The jme3-vr module is deprecated and will be removed in a future version (as it only supports OpenVR).
use com.jme3.scene.shape.CenterQuad
A static, indexed, Triangles-mode mesh for an axis-aligned rectangle in the X-Y plane.
Contains information about any extra server channels (if they exist).
You might want to try BetterCharacterControl as well.
Char serializer.
A camera that follows a spatial and can turn around it by dragging the mouse
This class is a camera controller that allow the camera to follow a target Spatial.
An element of a CompoundCollisionShape, consisting of a (non-compound) child shape, offset and rotated with respect to its parent.
An appstate for composing and playing cutscenes in a game.
Internal information about a shared class.
Internal registry of shared types and their ClassInfo and MethodInfo objects.
The ClasspathLocator looks up an asset in the classpath.
Represents a remote connection to a server that can be used for sending and receiving messages.
Client registration is a message that contains a unique ID.
A message-specific serializer to avoid compatibility issues between versions.
Interface implemented by Client-side services that augment a network Client's functionality.
Manages ClientServices on behalf of a network Client object.
Listener that is notified about the connection state of a Client.
Provided with the clientDisconnected() notification to include additional information about the disconnect.
CloneableAssetProcessor simply calls Object.clone() on assets to clone them.
Implementing the CloneableSmartAsset interface allows use of cloneable smart asset management.
Provides custom cloning for a particular object type.
A deep clone utility that provides similar object-graph-preserving qualities to typical serialization schemes.
Serializes collections.
Interface for Collidable objects.
CollisionData is an interface that can be used to do triangle-accurate collision with bounding volumes and rays.
A CollisionResult represents a single collision instance between two Collidable.
CollisionResults is a collection returned as a result of a collision detection operation done by Collidable.
This Object holds information about a jbullet CollisionShape to be able to reuse CollisionShapes (as suggested in bullet manuals) TODO: add static methods to create shapes from nodes (like jbullet-jme constructor)
A utility class for generating collision shapes from Spatials.
Helper class for working with colors and gradients
This filter simply multiply the whole scene by a color
ColorRGBA defines a color made from a collection of red, green and blue values stored in Linear color space.
Generates a new height map based on two provided height maps.
Wrapper for an OpenCL command queue.
Object is indexed and stored in primitive float[]
Serialize and compress Float by indexing similar values
Serialize and compress Quaternion[] by indexing same values It is converted to float[]
Serialize and compress Vector3f[] by indexing same values
Specifies the shadow comparison mode
This filter composes a texture with the viewport texture.
An AppState that manages a set of child app states, making sure they are attached/detached and optional enabled/disabled with the parent state.
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a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
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a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
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a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
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A CompoundCollisionShape allows combining multiple base shapes to generate a more sophisticated shape.
CompressedMessage is a base class for all messages that compress others.
A utility class that parses a define condition in a GLSL language style.
Cone collision shape represents a 3D cone with a radius, height, and axis (X, Y or Z).
From bullet manual:
To create ragdolls, the cone twist constraint is very useful for limbs like the upper arm.
Listener that is notified about connection arrivals and removals within a server.
A single channel remote connection allowing the sending and receiving of data.
Wraps a single Connector and forwards new messages to the supplied message dispatcher.
Represents a client-side connection error, usually encapsulating an IOException as its cause.
Creates Connectors for a specific host.
Checks the various JME 'constants' for drift using either asserts or straight checks.
Used to load textures from image binary content.
Used to locate a resource based on a ContentTextureKey.
The central OpenCL context.
A filter to adjust the colors of a rendered scene by normalizing each color channel to a specified range, applying a power law, and scaling the output.
An interface for scene-graph controls.
Nice convenience methods for conversion between javax.vecmath and com.jme3.math Objects, also some jme to jbullet mesh conversion.
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a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
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A Post Processing filter that makes the screen look like it was drawn as diagonal lines with a pen.
Wraps a cube map and allows reading or writing pixels.
Created Jun 5, 2012 9:45:58 AM
A Curve is a visual, line-based representation of a Spline.
This class offers methods to help with curves and surfaces calculations.
Created by Nehon on 20/08/2017.
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a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
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A simple cylinder, defined by its height and radius.
Basic cylinder collision shape
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a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
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Configure a DynamicAnimControl and access its configuration.
Access a DynamicAnimControl at the PhysicsLink level once it's been added to a Spatial.
Date serializer.
DDSLoader is an image loader that reads in a DirectX DDS file.
Registers a few keys that will dump debug information to the console.
Debugging aids.
An AppProfiler implementation that integrates the per-frame application-wide timings for update versus render into the Android systrace utility.
A default implementation of the Client interface that delegates its network connectivity to a kernel.Connector.
Default implementation of the JoystickAxis interface.
Default implementation of the JoystickButton interface.
Specifies the locations to which a DefaultQualifier annotation applies.
This emitter influences the particles so that they move all in the same direction.
A default implementation of PlatformChooser.
Applied to a declaration of a package, type, method, variable, etc., specifies that the given annotation should be the default.
Indicates that the annotated qualifier is the default qualifier in the qualifier hierarchy: it applies if the programmer writes no explicit qualifier.
Specifies the annotations to be included in a type without having to provide them explicitly.
A default implementation of the Server interface that delegates its network connectivity to kernel.Kernel.
The new define list.
Refines the qualified type of the annotated field or variable based on the qualified type of the receiver.
A post-processing filter that performs a depth range blur using a scaled convolution filter.
AssetManager is the primary method for managing and loading assets inside jME.
Created by Nehon on 25/01/2017.
Created by Nehon on 25/01/2017.
Represents a hardware device actually running the OpenCL kernels.
The device type
The jme3-vr module is deprecated and will be removed in a future version (as it only supports OpenVR).
DirectionalLight is a light coming from a certain direction in world space.
This Filter does basically the same as a DirectionalLightShadowRenderer except it renders the post shadow pass as a fullscreen quad pass instead of a geometry pass.
The jme3-vr module is deprecated and will be removed in a future version (as it only supports OpenVR).
DirectionalLightShadowRenderer renderer use Parallel Split Shadow Mapping technique (pssm)
It splits the view frustum in several parts and compute a shadow map for each one.
splits are distributed so that the closer they are from the camera, the smaller they are to maximize the resolution used of the shadow map.
This results in a better quality shadow than standard shadow mapping.
for more information on this read
The jme3-vr module is deprecated and will be removed in a future version (as it only supports OpenVR).
An helper class that iterates and merges dirty regions
Represents a disconnect message.
A message-specific serializer to avoid compatibility issues between versions.
Calculates the LOD of the terrain based on its distance from the cameras.
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a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
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A hemisphere.
Part of the jME XML IO system as introduced in the Google Code jmexml project.
Part of the jME XML IO system as introduced in the Google Code jmexml project.
The DOMSerializer was based primarily off the class from the "Java and XML" 3rd Edition book by Brett McLaughlin, and Justin Edelson.
Double serializer.
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a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
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DummyInput as an implementation of Input that raises no input events.
DummyKeyInput as an implementation of KeyInput that raises no input events.
DummyMouseInput as an implementation of MouseInput that raises no input events.
DXTFlipper is a utility class used to flip along Y axis DXT compressed textures.
Before adding this control to a spatial, configure it by invoking, float, com.jme3.bullet.animation.RangeOfMotion) for each bone that should have its own rigid body.
Created by Nehon on 26/03/2017.
Expose several Easing function from Robert Penner Created by Nehon on 26/03/2017.
An Ease function composed of 2 sb function for custom in and out easing
ShadowEdgeFiltering specifies how shadows are filtered
A calculator for the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of a Matrix3f.
This emitter shape emits the particles from the given shape's interior constrained by its convex hull (a geometry that tightly wraps the mesh).
This emitter shape emits the particles from the given shape's faces.
This emitter shape emits the particles from the given shape's vertices
This interface declares methods used by all shapes that represent particle emitters.
This influencer does not influence particle at all.
An abstract endpoint in a Kernel that can be used for sending/receiving messages within the kernel space.
Provides information about an added or removed connection.
Computes the entropy value δ (delta) for a given terrain block and LOD level.
Enum serializer.
An environment baker to bake a 3d environment into a cubemap
Encapsulates a received piece of data.
Audio environment, for reverb effects.
A 360 camera that can capture a cube map of a scene, and then generate the Prefiltered Environment cube Map and the Irradiance cube Map needed for PBR indirect lighting
A control that automatically handles environment bake and rebake including only tagged spatials.
This class holds several utility method useful for Physically Based Rendering.
Notified when errors happen on a connection.
A place-holder for future implementation of ETC texture flipping.
Wrapper for an OpenCL Event object.
Interface to handle a glTF extension.
Allows extraction of platform specific binaries from classpath via build systems.
Interface to handle a glTF extra.
Fade Filter allows you to make an animated fade effect on a scene.
A faster LightProbeFactory that uses GPU accelerated algorithms.
FastMath provides 'fast' math approximations and float equivalents of Math functions.
Creates a heightmap based on the fault algorithm.
Quick n' dirty dumper of FBX binary files.
Responsible for producing FBX objects given an FBXElement.
Maps animation stacks to influenced nodes.
The field serializer is the default serializer used for custom class.
FileLocator allows you to specify a folder where to look for assets.
Determines a true or false value for a given input.
Filters are 2D effects applied to the rendered scene.
The filter is fed with the rendered scene image rendered in an offscreen frame buffer.
This texture is applied on a full-screen quad with a special material.
This material uses a shader that applies the desired effect to the scene texture.

This class is abstract, any Filter must extend it.
Any filter holds a frameBuffer and a texture
The getMaterial must return a Material that use a GLSL shader implementing the desired effect
Used to load FilterPostProcessors which are not cached.
A FilterPostProcessor is a processor that can apply several Filters to a rendered scene
It manages a list of filters that will be applied in the order in which they've been added to the list
Static utility methods pertaining to Filter instances.
The jme3-vr module is deprecated and will be removed in a future version (as it only supports OpenVR).
Float serializer.
FluidSimHeightMap generates a height map based using some sort of fluid simulation.
A first-person camera controller.
Manages a FlyByCamera.
A filter to render a fog effect
Specifies the version of the format for jME3 object (j3o) files.
Interface for a general fractal basis.
FractalSum is the simplest form of fractal functions summing up a few octaves of the noise value with an ever decreasing roughness (0 to 1) amplitude lacunarity = 2.0f is the classical octave distance Note: though noise basis functions are generally designed to return value between -1..1, there sum can easily be made to extend out of this range.
FrameBuffers are rendering surfaces allowing off-screen rendering and render-to-texture functionality.
RenderBuffer represents either a texture or a buffer that will be rendered to.
Created by nehon on 15/04/17.
use the Gamma Correction setting instead.
Render the environment into a cubemap
Constructs heightfields to be used in Terrain.
Geometry defines a leaf node of the scene graph.
Options to align the buffers of geometries' meshes of a sub graph
GeometryComparator is a special version of Comparator that is used to sort geometries for rendering in the RenderQueue.
An abstract class for implementations that perform grouping of geometries via instancing or batching.
This class is a special purpose list of Geometry objects for render queuing.
A physics control to link a PhysicsGhostObject to a spatial.
Basic mesh collision shape
Baseline GL methods that must be available on all platforms.
GL functions only available on vanilla desktop OpenGL 2.
GL functions only available on vanilla desktop OpenGL 3.0+.
GL functions only available on vanilla desktop OpenGL 4.0.
Created by Nehon on 12/09/2017.
This class uses Reflection to intercept method calls to the Proxy Object (GLDebug.createProxy(GL, Object, Class[]) and extends them with the Error Checking in GLDebug.checkError().
This means we don't have to generate a class with overrides for every possible method just to add a GLDebug.checkError() call.
Note that we should not call GLDebug.checkError() for GL.glGetError(), it doesn't make sense.
Note that this class is general purpose and as such every class instance (every object) can be guarded as long as the passed gl instance is valid.
GL functions and constants only available on vanilla OpenGL ES 3.0.
GL functions provided by extensions.
Framebuffer object functions.
The LWJGL implementation of JoyInput.
The LWJGL implementation of KeyInput.
A key input that wraps GLFW underlying components.
Captures mouse input using GLFW callbacks.
Captures mouse input using GLFW callbacks.
Describes an OpenGL image format.
Generates a table of supported image formats for a given renderer caps.
This shader Generator can generate Vertex and Fragment shaders from shadernodes for GLSL 1.0
This shader Generator can generate Vertex and Fragment shaders from ShaderNodes for GLSL 1.5
This shader Generator can generate Vertex and Fragment shaders from ShaderNodes for GLESSL 3.0 Nowadays it's just a subclass of Glsl150ShaderGenerator overriding the version string because GLSL 1.5 is mostly compatible with GLESSL 3.0
GLSL File parser that supports #import pre-processor statement
GLTF 2.0 loader Created by Nehon on 07/08/2017.
An optional key to use when loading a glTF file It allows you to specify custom data loader, replacing the default ones.
Created by Nehon on 07/08/2017.
Utility class that allows tracing of OpenGL calls generated by the engine.
Used for selecting character shape in cursive bitmap text.
Shader validator implementation for AMD's GPUShaderAnalyser.
A MessageBuffer implementation that will aggressively create all messages as byte data comes in.
Simple grid shape.
GuiComparator sorts geometries back-to-front based on their Z position.
A CinematicEvent associated with a Nifty screen.
use GuiEvent instead
GZIPCompressedMessage is the class that you need to use should you want to compress a message using Gzip.
Serializes GZIP messages.
use the ToneMappingFilter.
Uses Bullet Physics Heightfield terrain collision system.
in favor of TerrainGridTileLoader
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a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
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HillHeightMap generates a height map base on the Hill Algorithm.
From bullet manual:
Hinge constraint, or revolute joint restricts two additional angular degrees of freedom, so the body can only rotate around one axis, the hinge axis.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1221
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a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
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a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
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This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
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a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
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This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1209
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1215
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1229
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
The type of VR Head Mounted Device (HMD)
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1203
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1191
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1199
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1195
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
This is the connection back to a client that is being hosted in a server instance.
Interface implemented by Server-side services that augment a network Server's functionality.
Manages HostedServices on behalf of a network Server object.
HttpZipLocator is similar to ZipLocator, except it allows loading assets from a .ZIP file on the web instead of on the local filesystem.
Example ragdoll presets for a typical humanoid skeleton.
An environment baker, but this one is for Imaged Base Lighting.
An environment baker for IBL, that uses spherical harmonics for irradiance.
Fully accelerated env baker for IBL that runs entirely on the GPU
Fully accelerated env baker for IBL that bakes the specular map and spherical harmonics on the GPU.
An env baker for IBL that bakes the specular map on the GPU and uses spherical harmonics generated on the CPU for the irradiance map.
A CloneFunction implementation that simply returns the passed object without cloning it.
A specialized data-structure used to optimize state changes of "slot" based state.
Wrapper for an OpenCL image.
Image defines a data format for a graphical image.
ImageChannelOrder specifies the number of channels and the channel layout i.e.
ImageChannelType describes the size of the channel data type.
The image descriptor structure describes the type and dimensions of the image or image array.
Describes the image format, consisting of Image.ImageChannelOrder and Image.ImageChannelType.
Describes a mapped region of the image
The possible image types / dimensions.
ImageBasedHeightMap is a height map created from the grayscale conversion of an image.
ImageFlipper is a utility class used to flip images across the Y axis.
Utility class for reading and writing from jME3 images.
Perlin's default implementation of Improved Perlin Noise designed to work with Noise base
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1479
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
IndexBuffer is an abstraction for integer index buffers, it is used to retrieve indices without knowing in which format they are stored (ushort or uint).
IndexBuffer implementation for ByteBuffers.
IndexBuffer implementation for IntBuffers.
IndexBuffer implementation for ShortBuffers.
This class provides methods that can be used to query information about OpenCL objects.
Abstract interface for an input device.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1603
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1610
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
An abstract input event.
A generic interface for input listeners, the AnalogListener and ActionListener interfaces extend this interface.
The InputManager is responsible for converting input events received from the Key, Mouse and Joy Input implementations into an abstract, input device independent representation that user code can use.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1626
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1615
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1620
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
The jme3-vr module is deprecated and will be removed in a future version (as it only supports OpenVR).
By default, it checks if geometry is in camera frustum and culls it if it is outside camera view.
This class includes some utility methods for computing intersection between bounding volumes and triangles.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1552
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1547
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
Similar to a Map except that ints are used as keys.
The Integer serializer serializes...integers.
Implements OpenGL ES 2.0 and 3.0 for iOS.
IosTouchHandler is the base class that receives touch inputs from the iOS system and creates the TouchEvents for jME.
Generates the Irradiance map for PBR.
Saves a Material to a j3m file with proper formatting.
Saves a Material to a j3m file with proper formatting.
Nifty GUI BatchRenderBackend Implementation for jMonkeyEngine.
Indicates an object that wishes to more actively participate in the two-part deep copying process provided by the Cloner.
Represents a rendering context within the engine.
The type of context.
A Jme representation of the LWJGL Cursor class.
JmeExporter specifies an export implementation for jME3 data.
More simple formatter than the default one used in Java logging.
The iOS GLES interface iOS alternative to Android's GLES20 and GLES30 classes
A RelativeLayout class holder that wraps a GLSurfaceView as a renderer UI component and uses OGLESContext as a renderer context to render a jme game on an android view for custom xml designs. The main idea of JmeSurfaceView class is to start a jMonkeyEngine application in a SystemListener context on a GL_ES thread, then the game is rendered and updated through a GLSurfaceView component with a delay of user's choice using a Handler, during the delay, the user has the ability to handle a couple of actions asynchronously as displaying a progress bar on a SplashScreen or an image or even play a preface game music of choice.
Determines whether the app context would be destructed with the holder activity context in case of JmeSurfaceView.DestructionPolicy.DESTROY_WHEN_FINISH or be spared for a second use in case of JmeSurfaceView.DestructionPolicy.KEEP_WHEN_FINISH.
Used as a static memory to protect the game context from destruction by Activity#onDestroy().
Utility class to access platform-dependant features.
Pulls in version info from the file.
Abstract Adapter class that implements optional methods of JobProgressListener.
An interface listener that will be notified of the progress of an asynchronous generation job.
A Joint is the basic component of an armature designed to perform skeletal animation Created by Nehon on 15/12/2017.
Implementations of this interface holds accumulated model transform of a Joint.
JNA Wrapper for library JOpenVR
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:977
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:981
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:984
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:714
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:244
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:623
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:655
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1050
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1046
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:696
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1129
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1134
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1057
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:239
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:267
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:260
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:432
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:447
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:251
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:272
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:940
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:959
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:965
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:751
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:646
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1083
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:998
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1003
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:702
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:706
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:616
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:229
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:756
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:857
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:674
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1120
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:651
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:909
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:763
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1095
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1088
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:740
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1061
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1076
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1111
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:869
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:865
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1103
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:767
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1116
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:690
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:466
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:455
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:888
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:894
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:900
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:905
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:917
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1041
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1032
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1008
enum values
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1014
enum values
Joystick axis event.
Joystick button event.
A specific API for interfacing with joysticks or gaming controllers.
A joystick represents a single joystick that is installed in the system.
Represents a single axis of a Joystick.
Represents a single button of a Joystick.
Provides compatibility mapping to different joysticks that both report their name in a unique way and require remapping to achieve a proper default layout.
Listens for the state of a joystick connection.
Defines the basic byte[] passing messaging kernel.
Wrapper for an OpenCL kernel, a piece of executable code on the GPU.
A placeholder for kernel arguments representing local kernel memory.
A placeholder for a kernel argument representing local kernel memory per thread.
The work size (global and local) for executing a kernel
Wraps a single Kernel and forwards new messages to the supplied message dispatcher and new endpoint events to the connection dispatcher.
This exception is thrown by when the compilation failed.
Represents a kernel-level error, usually encapsulating an IOException as its cause.
Supplied to the DefaultServer to create any additional channel kernels that might be required.
Represents kerning information for a character.
A specific API for interfacing with the keyboard.
Keyboard key event.
Translate key codes (from KeyInput) to descriptive names.
A KeyTrigger is used as a mapping to keyboard keys.
Enumerate joint-control modes for this control.
Enumerate submodes for a link in kinematic mode.
A KTX file loader KTX file format is an image container defined by the Khronos group See specs here This loader doesn't support compressed files yet.
This class allows one to write a KTX file.
Stores/caches texture-state parameters so the Renderer doesn't have to set them each time.
A MessageBuffer implementation that will deserialize messages as they are returned instead of deserializing them as the data comes in.
The LegacyApplication class represents an instance of a real-time 3D rendering jME application.
Abstract class for representing a light source.
Describes the light type.
This Control maintains a reference to a Light, which will be synched with the position (worldTranslation) of the current spatial.
LightFilter is used to determine which lights should be rendered for a particular Geometry + Camera combination.
LightList is used internally by Spatials to manage lights that are attached to them.
Use a LightControl attached to a Node directly.
A LightProbe is not exactly a light.
This is the interface to implement if you want to make your own LightProbe blending strategy.
Creates LightProbes within a scene, given an EnvironmentCamera.
LightScattering filters create rays coming from light sources This is often referred to as god rays.
A debug state that will display Light gizmos on screen.
Extension loader for KHR_lights_punctual extension which allows for lights to be added to the node from the gltf model.
Allows querying the limits of certain features in Renderer.
Line defines a line.
A simple line implementation with a start and an end.
LineSegment represents a segment in the space.
Line-wrap type for BitmapText
A CloneFunction implementation that deep clones a list by creating a new list and cloning its values using the cloner.
Implementation of a Map that favors iteration speed rather than get/put speed.
Fast, stable sort used to sort geometries It's adapted from Tim Peters's work on list sorting for Python.
LittleEndien is a class to read little-endian stored data via an InputStream.
Describes an RMI interface on the local machine.
Calculate the Level of Detail of a terrain patch based on the cameras, or other locations.
Determines what Level of Detail a spatial should be, based on how many pixels on the screen the spatial is taking up.
This is a utility class that adds the ability to generate LOD levels for an arbitrary mesh.
Enumerate criteria for removing triangles.
Produces the mesh for the TerrainPatch.
Calculates the LOD value based on where the camera is.
The Long serializer.
Defines the behavior of an application when it is not in focus or minimized.
An LRU cache, based on LinkedHashMap.
The implementation of the BufferAllocator which use MemoryUtil to manage memory.
Threadsafe implementation of the LWJGLBufferAllocator.
A LWJGL implementation of a graphics context.
A VR oriented LWJGL implementation of a graphics context.
A VR oriented LWJGL display.
Implements GLFbo via GL_EXT_framebuffer_object.
Implements GLFbo via OpenGL3+.
A VR oriented LWJGL offscreen buffer.
A class that wraps an OpenVR system.
This is a set of reusable parts that are used when accessing an analogue action (Analogue meaning something like a trigger pull or joystick coordinate)
A class that represents VR world bounds.
This is a set of reusable parts that are used when accessing a digital action (Digital meaning something like a button press, that is either on or off)
The jme3-vr module is deprecated and will be removed in a future version (as it only supports OpenVR).
A class dedicated to the handling of the mouse within VR environment.
A controller that is tracked within the VR environment.
A VR view manager based on OpenVR.
The base class of LWJGL implementations.
Timer handles the system's time related functionality.
Timer handles the system's time related functionality.
A wrapper class over the GLFW framework in LWJGL 3.
A wrapper class over the GLFW framework in LWJGL 3.
Class wjglxDefaultGLPlatform used to create a drawing platform.
Interface LwjglxGLPlatform; It is used to implement and manage the context of a specific platform.
Specifies the access flags when mapping a Buffer or Image object.
Material describes the rendering style for a given Geometry.
Track bind ids for textures and buffers Used internally
A MaterialAdapter allows to map a GLTF material to a JME material.
This appState is for debug purpose only, and was made to provide an easy way to test shaders, with a live update capability.
Describes a J3MD (Material definition).
MaterialExtension defines a mapping from an Ogre3D "base" material to a jME3 material definition.
Used internally by MaterialLoader
MaterialExtensionSet is simply a container for several MaterialExtensions so that it can be set globally for all OgreMaterialKeys used.
Used for loading materials only (not material definitions!).
A map from material name to a material.
This class is to provide some constants materials.
Created by Nehon on 23/04/2017.
Describes a material parameter.
MatParamOverride is a mechanism by which material parameters can be overridden on the scene graph.
A material parameter that holds a reference to a texture and its required color space.
Custom Exception to report a j3md Material definition file parsing error.
A 3x3 matrix composed of 9 single-precision elements, used to represent linear transformations of 3-D coordinates, such as rotations, reflections, and scaling.
A 4x4 matrix composed of 16 single-precision elements, used to represent linear or perspective transformations of 3-D coordinates.
This JointModelTransform implementation accumulate joints transforms in a Matrix4f to properly support non uniform scaling in an armature hierarchy
Specifies how a buffer object can be accessed by the kernel.
See thread
Mesh is used to store rendering data.
The mode of the Mesh specifies both the type of primitive represented by the mesh and how the data should be interpreted.
Utility class used by OgreLoader to load poses and mesh animations.
Basic mesh collision shape
Loads Ogre3D mesh.xml files.
Interface implemented by all network messages.
Accumulates network data into Message objects.
The source of a received message and the common abstract interface of client->server and server->client objects.
Listener notified about new messages.
Keeps track of message listeners registered to specific types or to any type.
Consolidates the conversion of messages to/from byte buffers and provides a rolling message buffer.
Method definition is used to map methods on an RMI interface to an implementation on a remote machine.
Internal information about shared methods.
MidpointDisplacementHeightMap generates a heightmap based on the midpoint displacement algorithm.
This tangent generator is highly experimental.
Released under BSD License
Used to load model files, such as OBJ or Blender models.
A control that handle morph animation for Position, Normal and Tangent buffers.
Contains a list of weights and times for each keyframe.
A MotionEvent is a control over the spatial that manages the position and direction of the spatial while following a motion Path.
Enum for the different type of target direction behavior.
Motion path is used to create a path between way points.
Trigger the events happening on a motion path
use MotionEvent instead
A MouseAxisTrigger is used as a mapping to mouse axis, a mouse axis is movement along the X axis (left/right), Y axis (up/down) and the mouse wheel (scroll up/down).
Mouse button press/release event.
A MouseButtonTrigger is used as a mapping to receive events from mouse buttons.
A specific API for interfacing with the mouse.
Mouse movement event.
An extension of the TerrainLodControl that handles multiple terrains at once.
A simple factory that delegates to java.util.concurrent's default thread factory but adds a prefix to the beginning of the thread name.
NanoTimer is a System.nanoTime implementation of Timer.
Defines default native libraries that are loaded by NativeLibraryLoader.
A helper class that defines a native library by name, list of its native variants for target platforms and a load function used to load library from an absolute path after extracted by NativeLibraryLoader.
Utility class to register, extract, and load native libraries.
Describes a native object.
GLObjectManager tracks all GLObjects used by the Renderer.
Represents the android implementation for the native vorbis file decoder. This decoder initializes an OggVorbis_File from an already opened file designated by the NativeVorbisFile.fd.
Used for TerrainQuad to find neighbours that are not part of the same quad tree.
The main service provider for conveniently creating server and client instances.
A Client whose network connection information can be provided post-creation.
This influencer calculates initial velocity with the use of the emitter's shape.
Endpoint implementation that encapsulates the channel IO based connection information and keeps track of the outbound data queue for the channel.
KernelFactory implementation for creating TCP kernels using the NIO selector model.
Node defines an internal node of a scene graph.
Utility base class for Noise implementations
A simple aggregator basis.
Handles the normal vector updates when the terrain changes heights.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1588
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
NullComparator does not sort geometries.
NullLightFilter does nothing.
NullSavable is an implementation of Savable with no data.
Java Object that represents a native iOS class.
A MessageListener implementation that will forward messages to methods of a specified delegate object.
Reads OBJ format models.
A class dedicated to the mouse handling within Oculus Rift based VR experience.
A rendering system for Oculus's LibOVR API.
Oculus VR (LibOVR 1.3.0) Native support.
OgreMaterialKey allows specifying material extensions, which map from Ogre3D base materials to jME3 materials
OgreMeshKey is used to load Ogre3D mesh.xml models with a specific material file or list.
An interface designed to listen for exceptions and fire an event when an exception is thrown.
An interface used for dispatching an event when the layout holding the GLSurfaceView is drawn, the event is dispatched on the user activity context thread.
An interface used for invoking an event when the user delay finishes, on the first update of the game.
An interface used for invoking an event when the application is started explicitly from JmeSurfaceView.startRenderer(int).
Generic OpenCL exception, can be thrown in every method of this package.
Base interface of all native OpenCL objects.
Releaser for an OpenCLObject.
A class that wraps an OpenVR system.
A class that represents VR world bounds.
A class that wraps an OpenVR input.
null values will be returned if no valid pose exists, or that input device isn't available user code should check for null values.
A class dedicated to the handling of the mouse within VR environment.
A controller that is tracked within the VR environment.
A utility class that provide helper methods for OpenVR system.
A VR view manager based on OpenVR.
A class that wraps an OSVR system.
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
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a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
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This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
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This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
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This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
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This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
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This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
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This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
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JNA Wrapper for library osvrClientKit
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a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
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JNA Wrapper for library osvrClientReportTypes
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
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JNA Wrapper for library osvrDisplay
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a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
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A class that wraps an OSVR input.
JNA Wrapper for library osvrInterface
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a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
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JNA Wrapper for library osvrMatrixConventions
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a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
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enum values
enum values
enum values
enum values
enum values
A class dedicated to the mouse handling within OSVR based VR experience.
JNA Wrapper for library osvrRenderManager
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a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
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enum values
JNA Wrapper for library osvrRenderManagerOpenGL
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a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
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enum values
JNA Wrapper for library osvrTimeValue
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a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
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Represents a single particle in a ParticleEmitter.
ParticleDepositionHeightMap creates a heightmap based on the Particle Deposition algorithm based on Jason Shankel's paper from "Game Programming Gems".
ParticleEmitter is a special kind of geometry which simulates a particle system.
An interface that defines the methods to affect initial velocity of the particles.
The ParticleMesh is the underlying visual implementation of a particle emitter.
Type of particle mesh
Extension loader for "KHR_materials_emissive_strength".
Adapter for converting GLTF emissive strength to JME emissive intensity.
Adapts GLTF PBR materials to JME PBR materials.
Created by Nehon on 20/08/2017.
Material adapter for PBR Specular Glossiness pipeline Created by Nehon on 20/08/2017.
Created by Nehon on 20/08/2017.
Basic Bullet Character
A CollisionEvent stores all information about a collision in the PhysicsWorld.
Interface to receive notifications whenever an object in a particular collision group is about to collide.
Interface to receive notifications whenever an object in a particular physics space collides.
Base class for collision objects (PhysicsRigidBody, PhysicsGhostObject)
An interface for a scene-graph control that links a physics object to a Spatial.
From Bullet manual:
GhostObject can keep track of all objects that are overlapping.
PhysicsJoint - Basic Physics Joint
The abstract base class used by DynamicAnimControl to link pieces of a JME model to their corresponding collision objects in a ragdoll.
Contains the results of a PhysicsSpace rayTest.
PhysicsRigidBody - Basic physics object
PhysicsSpace - The central jbullet-jme physics space
interface with Broadphase types
Contains the results of a PhysicsSpace rayTest
Callback interface from the physics thread, used to clear/apply forces.
PhysicsVehicleNode - Special PhysicsNode that implements vehicle functions
A Picture represents a 2D image drawn on the screen.
Interface used to read a set of pixels in a KTX file
Plane defines a plane where Normal dot (x,y,z) = Constant.
Describe the relationship between a point and a plane.
A wrapper for an OpenCL platform.
Enumerate known operating system/architecture pairs.
Enumerate generic names of operating systems
This SPI is called on startup to specify which platform and which devices are used for context creation.
The play state of a cinematic event
From bullet manual:
Point to point constraint, also known as ball socket joint limits the translation so that the local pivot points of 2 rigid bodies match in worldspace.
Represents a point light.
This Filter does basically the same as a PointLightShadowRenderer except it renders the post shadow pass as a fullscreen quad pass instead of a geometry pass.
PointLightShadowRenderer renders shadows for a point light
A Post Processing filter to change colors appear with sharp edges as if the available amount of colors available was not enough to draw the true image.
A parameterized torus, also known as a pq torus.
Processor that lays depth first, this can improve performance in complex scenes.
Generates one face of the prefiltered environment map for PBR.
The jme3-vr module is deprecated and will be removed in a future version (as it only supports OpenVR).
GLSL Preprocessor
This class contains a primitive allocator with no special logic, should work on any jvm
This is a guava method used in Tweens class.
A wrapper for an OpenCL program.
Implements a simple cache system for program objects.
Monitor the progress of an expensive terrain operation.
Includes various useful shadow mapping functions.
Quad represents a rectangular plane in space defined by 4 vertices.
Used to efficiently represent rotations and orientations in 3-dimensional space, without risk of gimbal lock.
Radially blurs the scene from the center of it
an influencer to make blasts expanding on the ground.
Interface to receive notifications whenever a linked rigid body in a DynamicAnimControl collides with another physics object.
Interface to receive notifications whenever a KinematicRagdollControl collides with another physics object.
Utility methods used by KinematicRagdollControl.
Utility methods used by DynamicAnimControl and associated classes.
Range of motion for a ragdoll joint.
RawHeightMap creates a height map from a RAW image file.
An interface used for receiving raw input from devices.
Simple serializer
Ray defines a line segment which has an origin and a direction.
Defines a rectangle that can constrict a text paragraph.
Rectangle defines a finite plane within three-dimensional space that is specified via three points (A, B, C).
A static, indexed, Triangle-mode mesh that renders a rectangle or parallelogram, with customizable normals and texture coordinates.
This class contains the reflection based way to remove DirectByteBuffers in java, allocation is done via ByteBuffer.allocateDirect
Reflection Processor Used to render the reflected scene in an off view port
Sent to a remote client to make a remote method invocation.
Contains the return value for a remote method invocation, sent as a response to a RemoteMethodCallMessage with a non-zero invocationID.
Contains various meta-data about an RMI interface.
Sent to expose RMI interfaces on the local client to other clients.
Used internally to remotely invoke methods on RMI shared objects.
Represents the current state of the graphics library.
Responsible for taking rendering commands and executing them on the underlying video hardware.
Raised when a renderer encounters a fatal rendering error.
Utility class used by the OGLESShaderRenderer and sister classes.
A high-level rendering interface that is above the Renderer implementation.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1557
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a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1581
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a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1578
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1569
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1563
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
RenderQueue is used to queue up and sort geometries for rendering.
The render queue Bucket specifies the bucket to which the spatial will be placed when rendered.
ShadowMode is a marker used to specify how shadow effects should treat the spatial.
RenderState specifies material rendering properties that cannot be controlled by a shader on a Material.
BlendEquation specifies the blending equation to combine pixels.
BlendEquationAlpha specifies the blending equation to combine pixels for the alpha component.
BlendFunc defines the blending functions for use with BlendMode.Custom.
BlendMode specifies the blending operation to use.
FaceCullMode specifies the criteria for faces to be culled.
TestFunction specifies the testing function for stencil test function.
Resets (clearFrame()) the render's stats object every frame during AppState.render().
This class is used to load resources from the default location usually the classpath.
A physics control to link a PhysicsRigidBody to a spatial.
stores transform info of a PhysicsNode in a threadsafe manner to allow multithreaded access from the jme scenegraph and the bullet physics space
Ring defines a flat ring or disc in three-dimensional space that is specified via the ring's center point, an up vector, an inner radius, and an outer radius.
Ring buffer (fixed size queue) implementation using a circular array (array with wrap-around).
A service that can be added to the client to support a simple shared objects protocol.
Keeps track of the current connection performing a particular RMI call.
A service that can be added to the host to support a simple shared objects protocol.
RmiSerializer is responsible for serializing RMI messages like define object, call, and return.
AppState that manages and updates a RootNode attached to a ViewPort, the default Application ViewPort is used by default, a RootNode is created by default.
Used internally to send RPC call information to the other end of a connection for execution.
RPC service that can be added to a network Client to add RPC send/receive capabilities.
Wraps a message connection to provide RPC call support.
Implementations of this interface can be registered with the RpcClientService or RpcHostService to handle the remote procedure calls for a given object or objects.
RPC service that can be added to a network Server to add RPC send/receive capabilities.
Used internally to send an RPC call's response back to the caller.
Abstract runnable that can report its progress
Provides a list with similar modification semantics to java.util.concurrent's CopyOnWriteArrayList except that it is not concurrent and also provides direct access to the current array.
Savable is an interface for objects that can be serialized using jME's serialization system.
SavableClassUtil contains various utilities to handle Savable classes.
Tool for saving Savables as SaveGame entries in a system-dependent way.
Utility methods for parsing XML data using SAX.
Iterates over the scene graph with the depth-first traversal method.
SceneGraphVisitorAdapter is used to traverse the scene graph tree.
SceneGraphVisitorAdapter is used to traverse the scene graph tree.
FBX file format loader
Scene processors are used to compute/render things before and after the classic render of the scene.
A Kernel implementation based on NIO selectors.
Represents a joystick axis based on an external sensor (i.e.
This JointModelTransform implementation accumulates model transform in a Transform class This does NOT support proper nonuniform scale in the armature hierarchy.
Use this annotation when a class is going to be transferred over the network.
Serializes uses Java built-in method.
The main serializer class, which will serialize objects such that they can be sent across the network.
A general exception from the serialization routines.
Implements a MessageProtocol providing message serializer/deserialization based on the built-in Serializer code.
A SerializerRegistration represents a connection between a class, and its serializer.
Holds a compiled set of message registration information that can be sent over the wire.
Represents a host that can send and receive messages to a set of remote client connections.
The base interface for managed services.
The base service manager class from which the HostedServiceManager and ClientServiceManager classes are derived.
A MessageListener implementation that will forward messages to methods of a delegate specified as a HostedConnection session attribute.
Shader source describes a shader object in OpenGL.
Type of shader.
Created by Nehon on 28/10/2017.
Implementation of shader's buffer block.
Static tool box class for convenient methods to help debug shaders
This class is basically a struct that contains the ShaderNodes information in an appropriate way to ease the shader generation process and make it faster.
This class is the base for a shader generator using the ShaderNodes system, it contains basis mechanism of generation, but no actual generation code.
A ShaderNode is the unit brick part of a shader program.
Shader node definition structure meant for holding loaded data from a material definition j3md file
Used for loading shader nodes definition Determines whether the definition will be loaded with or without its documentation
ShaderNodeDefinition file loader (.j3sn) a j3sn file is a block style file like j3md or j3m.
This class is here to be able to load shaderNodeDefinition from both the J3MLoader and ShaderNodeDefinitionLoader.
A shader node variable
Helper class containing useful functions explained in the book: Texturing & Modeling - A Procedural Approach
Includes various useful shadow mapping functions.
OccludersExtractor is a helper class to collect splitOccluders from scene recursively.
Short serializer.
SimpleApplication is the base class for all jME3 Applications.
SimpleAssetCache is an asset cache that caches assets without any automatic removal policy.
SimpleBatchNode comes with some restrictions, but can yield better performances.
Just multiplies the terrain patch size by 2.
Simple Water renders a simple plane that use reflection and refraction to look like water.
A simple point, line, triangle or quad collisionShape based on one to four points-
Mask that excludes joints from participating in the layer if a higher layer is using those joints in an animation.
From bullet manual:
This generic constraint can emulate a variety of standard constraints, by configuring each of the 6 degrees of freedom (DOF).
The class that creates a mesh to display how bones behave.
A class that displays a dotted line between a bone tail and its children's heads.
The class that displays either heads of the bones if no length data is supplied or both heads and tails otherwise.
The class that displays either wires between the bones' heads if no length data is supplied and full bones' shapes otherwise.
The Skinning control deforms a model according to an armature, It handles the computation of the deformation matrices and performs the transformations on the mesh
SkyFactory is used to create jME Spatials that can be attached to the scene to display a sky image in the background.
The type of map fed to the shader
From bullet manual:
The slider constraint allows the body to rotate around one axis and translate along this axis.
A straight forward socket-based connector implementation that does not use any separate threading.
Adds a glow effect to the scene.
Quick and merge sort implementations that create no garbage, unlike Arrays.sort(int[]).
A sound track to be played in a cinematic.
use SoundEvent instead
Spatial defines the base class for scene graph nodes.
Specifies if this spatial should be batched
Specifies how frustum culling should be handled by this spatial.
Specifies the mode of the depth first search.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1636
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a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
Sphere represents a 3D object with all points equidistant from a center point.
Basic sphere collision shape
Represents a spotlight.
This Filter does basically the same as a SpotLightShadowRenderer except it renders the post shadow pass as a fullscreen quad pass instead of a geometry pass.
SpotLightShadowRenderer renderer use Parallel Split Shadow Mapping technique (pssm)
It splits the view frustum in several parts and compute a shadow map for each one.
splits are distributed so that the closer they are from the camera, the smaller they are to maximize the resolution used of the shadow map.
This results in a better quality shadow than standard shadow mapping.
for more information on this read
Indicates a scene processor-level step within the profiled frame.
reads the pixels of an image whose origin is the top left corner
reads the pixels of an image whose origin is the bottom left corner
SSAO stands for screen space ambient occlusion It's a technique that fakes ambient lighting by computing shadows that nearby objects would cast on each other.
Rendering logic for static pass.
Allows tracking of real-time rendering statistics.
Displays stats in SimpleApplication's GUI node or using the node and font parameters provided.
The StatsView provides a heads-up display (HUD) of various statistics of rendering.
Serializer that respects the Std140 layout ( (
An AssetInfo wrapper for InputStreams.
String serializer.
A box with solid (filled) faces.
Classes implementing this interface are considered struct-like constructs.
A field of a struct
A BufferObject containing a struct serialized with Std140 layout.
A meta-annotation to specify all the qualifiers that the given qualifier is a subtype of.
This class represents a surface described by knots, weights and control points.
The SystemListener provides a means for an application to receive events relating to a context.
Keeps track of tangent, binormal, and normal for one triangle.
Created by Nehon on 03/10/2016.
Creates TCP connectors to a specific remote address.
Represents a technique instance.
Describes a technique definition.
Describes light rendering mode.
Define in what space the light data should be sent to the shader.
TechniqueDefLogic is used to customize how a material should be rendered.
Temporary variables assigned to each thread.
Terrain can be one or many meshes comprising a (probably large) piece of land.
The class to provide single executor service to run background tasks of terrain stuff.
TerrainGrid itself is an actual TerrainQuad.
Notifies the user of grid change events, such as moving to new grid cells.
Updates grid offsets and cell positions.
Tells the terrain to update its Level of Detail.
A terrain patch is a leaf in the terrain quad tree.
Pick result on a terrain patch with the intersection on the bounding box of that terrain patch.
Pick the location on the terrain from a given ray.
TerrainQuad is a heightfield-based terrain system.
Testing OpenVR environment.
Texture defines a texture object to be used to display an image on a piece of geometry.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1247
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a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
If this texture is a depth texture (the format is Depth*) then this value may be used to compare the texture depth to the R texture coordinate.
This class implements a Texture array warning, this feature is only supported on opengl 3.0 version.
TextureAtlas allows combining multiple textures to one texture atlas.
Describes a cubemap texture.
Face of the Cubemap as described by its directional offset from the origin.
Used to load textures from image files such as JPG or PNG.
Thread-safe extension loader for KHR_texture_transform.
A checked exception, to be thrown (in place of an IndexOutOfBoundsException) when a non-existent texture unit is assigned.
TextureManager provides static methods for building a Texture object.
ThreadingManager manages the threads used to load content within the Content Manager system.
Timer is the base class for a high resolution timer.
Tone-mapping filter that uses filmic curve.
Link the torso of an animated model to a rigid body in a ragdoll.
An ordinary (single holed) torus.
TouchEvent represents a single event from multi-touch input devices
TouchEventPool provides a RingBuffer of jME TouchEvents to help with garbage collection on Android.
TouchEventPool provides a RingBuffer of jME TouchEvents to help with garbage collection on iOS.
A specific API for interfacing with smartphone touch devices
TouchListener is used to receive events of inputs from smartphone touch devices
Class to trigger TouchEvents, keycode can be TouchInput.ALL(=0) or TouchInput.KEYCODE_*
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1257
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a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
A 3-D coordinate transform composed of translation, rotation, and scaling.
An AnimTrack that transforms a Joint or Spatial using a list of transforms and times for keyframes.
A filter to handle translucent objects when rendering a scene with filters that uses depth like WaterFilter and SSAOFilter just create a TranslucentBucketFilter and add it to the Filter list of a FilterPostProcessor
Describes a triangle in terms of its vertex locations, with auxiliary storage for its centroid, normal vector, projection, and index.
A trigger represents a physical input, such as a keyboard key, a mouse button, or joystick axis.
Represents some action that interpolates across input between 0 and some length value.
Static utility methods for creating common generic Tween objects.
A meta-annotation indicating that the annotated annotation is a type qualifier.
A straight forward datagram socket-based UDP connector implementation.
Endpoint implementation that encapsulates the UDP connection information for return messaging, identification of envelope sources, etc.
A Kernel implementation using UDP packets.
Single-threaded physical ogg stream.
UniformBindingManager helps RenderManager to manage uniform bindings.
Material adapter for the Unlit pipeline
A special annotation intended solely for representing an unqualified type in the qualifier hierarchy, as an argument to SubtypeOf.value(), in the type qualifiers declarations.
Thrown by Collidable when the requested collision query could not be completed because one of the collidables does not support colliding with the other.
Declares that the field may not be accessed if the receiver is of the specified qualifier type (or any supertype).
Allows for enqueueing tasks onto the update loop / rendering thread.
Stores a terrain patch's details so the LOD background thread can update the actual terrain patch back on the ogl thread.
Handles loading of assets from a URL
UrlLocator is a locator that combines a root URL and the given path in the AssetKey to construct a new URL that allows locating the asset.
UserData is used to contain user data objects set on spatials (primarily primitives) that do not implement the Savable interface.
Import user data from glTF extras.
Interface for shader validator tools.
Represents a mapping between 2 shader node variables or a left shader node variable and a value expression.
A vector composed of 2 single-precision components, used to represent locations, offsets, directions, and rotations in 2-dimensional space.
A vector composed of 3 single-precision components, used to represent locations, offsets, velocities, and directions in 3-dimensional space.
Vector4f defines a Vector for a four float value tuple.
A simplified collection of Vector3f values without duplicates, implemented using a Collection.
A physics control to link a PhysicsVehicle to a spatial.
Stores info about one wheel of a PhysicsVehicle
A VertexBuffer contains a particular type of geometry data used by Meshes.
Specifies format of the data stored in the buffer.
Type of buffer.
The usage of the VertexBuffer, specifies how often the buffer is used.
A Video recording AppState that records the screen output into an AVI file with M-JPEG content.
Represents a view inside the display window or a FrameBuffer to which scenes will be rendered.
IndexBuffer implementation that generates vertex indices sequentially based on a specific Mesh Mesh.Mode.
Indicates a ViewPort-level step within the profiled frame.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1897
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1866
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native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1915
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1913
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native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1957
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1937
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native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1938
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1946
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1951
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1953
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1945
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1947
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1948
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2045
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2026
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2008
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2019
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2020
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2030
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2021
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2022
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2016
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2014
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2032
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2033
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2013
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2015
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2017
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2024
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2012
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2010
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2011
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2025
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2006
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2005
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2035
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2037
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2003
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2042
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2041
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2028
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2023
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2029
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2039
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2009
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2036
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2038
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2043
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2018
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2002
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2031
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2027
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2007
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2044
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2034
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2040
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2004
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2313
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2310
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2312
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2311
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1807
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1806
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1805
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1804
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2351
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2344
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2335
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2346
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2334
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2339
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2338
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2336
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2347
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2348
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2340
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2341
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2342
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2343
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2333
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2349
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2350
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2345
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2337
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2363
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2359
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2358
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2362
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2360
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2361
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2257
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2255
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2256
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2211
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2188
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2210
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2179
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2194
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2130
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2131
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2129
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2198
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2181
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2133
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2203
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2146
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2154
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2144
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2186
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2138
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2142
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2208
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2137
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2175
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2134
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2177
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2135
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2140
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2159
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2150
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2148
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2191
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2158
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2156
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2193
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2163
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2168
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2167
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2165
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2161
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2152
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2200
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2173
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2204
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2171
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2196
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2195
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2180
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2172
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2184
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2174
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2192
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2197
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2182
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2132
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2206
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2205
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2145
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2153
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2143
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2185
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2141
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2190
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2176
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2207
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2178
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2136
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2183
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2189
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2139
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2160
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2149
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2147
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2187
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2157
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2155
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2162
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2169
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2166
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2164
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2151
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2199
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2201
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2202
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2209
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2170
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2251
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2233
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2235
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2238
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2243
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2241
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2242
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2244
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2246
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2245
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2240
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2250
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2239
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2249
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2248
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2237
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2232
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2234
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2236
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2247
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2305
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2304
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2303
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2299
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2295
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2294
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2293
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2292
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2298
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2297
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2296
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2283
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2277
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2279
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2278
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2271
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2280
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2282
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2281
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2273
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2275
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2274
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2276
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2272
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2373
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2369
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2370
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2372
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:2371
OpenVR Function Pointer Tables
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1799
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1797
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1798
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1769
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1755
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1795
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1779
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1774
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1789
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1790
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1771
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1786
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1787
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1758
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1763
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1759
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1784
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1756
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1775
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1785
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1776
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1778
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1760
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1753
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1754
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1781
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1766
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1752
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1765
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1767
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1780
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1757
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1768
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1772
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1770
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1777
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1761
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1791
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1792
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1773
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1796
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1782
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1783
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1764
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1762
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1793
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1794
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1788
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1833
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1826
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1821
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1823
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1824
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1825
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1828
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1830
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1831
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1829
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1822
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1827
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1832
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1633
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
An interface that represents a VR system.
use VRAppState instead.
VR application configuration parameters.
The jme3-vr module is deprecated and will be removed in a future version (as it only supports OpenVR).
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1456
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
This interface describes the VR playground bounds.
The jme3-vr module is deprecated and will be removed in a future version (as it only supports OpenVR).
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1429
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1436
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
The jme3-vr module is deprecated and will be removed in a future version (as it only supports OpenVR).
The jme3-vr module is deprecated and will be removed in a future version (as it only supports OpenVR).
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1373
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1350
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1304
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1686
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1395
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1377
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1402
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1417
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1411
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1346
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1343
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1380
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1309
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1326
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1335
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1359
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1331
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1386
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1356
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1366
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1369
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1314
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1362
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1420
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1338
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
An event posted by the server to all running applications
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1694
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1322
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1405
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
The jme3-vr module is deprecated and will be removed in a future version (as it only supports OpenVR).
The jme3-vr module is deprecated and will be removed in a future version (as it only supports OpenVR).
An interface that represents a VR input (typically a VR device such as a controller).
A class dedicated to the handling of the mouse within VR environment.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1698
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1702
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1535
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1541
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1263
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1272
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1275
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1266
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1278
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
The jme3-vr module is deprecated and will be removed in a future version (as it only supports OpenVR).
A VR view manager.
native declaration : headers\openvr_capi.h:1294
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
The WaterFilter is a 2-D post process that simulates water.
A garbage collector bound asset cache that handles non-cloneable objects.
WeakRefCloneAssetCache caches cloneable assets in a weak-key cache, allowing them to be collected when memory is low.
This strategy returns the 3 closest probe from the rendered object.
Listen to window size changes.
WrappedIndexBuffer converts vertex indices from a non list based mesh mode such as Mesh.Mode.TriangleStrip or Mesh.Mode.LineLoop into a list based mode such as Mesh.Mode.Triangles or Mesh.Mode.Lines.
Part of the jME XML IO system as introduced in the Google Code jmexml project.
Part of the jME XML IO system as introduced in the Google Code jmexml project.
Utilities for reading and writing XML files.
Compress a message using this ZIPCompressedMessage class
ZipLocator is a locator that looks up resources in a .ZIP file.
Serializes ZIP messages.