Class DepthOfFieldFilter

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DepthOfFieldFilter extends Filter
A post-processing filter that performs a depth range blur using a scaled convolution filter.
  • Constructor Details

    • DepthOfFieldFilter

      public DepthOfFieldFilter()
      Creates a DepthOfField filter
  • Method Details

    • isRequiresDepthTexture

      protected boolean isRequiresDepthTexture()
      Description copied from class: Filter
      Override this method and return true if your Filter needs the depth texture
      isRequiresDepthTexture in class Filter
      true if your Filter need the depth texture
    • getMaterial

      protected Material getMaterial()
      Description copied from class: Filter
      Must return the material used for this filter. this method is called every frame.
      Specified by:
      getMaterial in class Filter
      the material used for this filter.
    • initFilter

      protected void initFilter(AssetManager assets, RenderManager renderManager, ViewPort vp, int w, int h)
      Description copied from class: Filter
      Initialization of filter subclasses. This method is called once when the filter is added to the FilterPostProcessor It should contain Material initializations and extra passes initialization
      Specified by:
      initFilter in class Filter
      assets - the assetManager
      renderManager - the renderManager
      vp - the viewPort where this filter is rendered
      w - the width of the filter
      h - the height of the filter
    • setFocusDistance

      public void setFocusDistance(float f)
      Sets the distance at which objects are purely in focus.
      f - the desired distance (in world units, default=50)
    • getFocusDistance

      public float getFocusDistance()
      returns the focus distance
      the distance
    • setFocusRange

      public void setFocusRange(float f)
      Sets the range to either side of focusDistance where the objects go gradually out of focus. Less than focusDistance - focusRange and greater than focusDistance + focusRange, objects are maximally "blurred".
      f - the desired half extent (in world units, default=10)
    • getFocusRange

      public float getFocusRange()
      returns the focus range
      the distance
    • setBlurScale

      public void setBlurScale(float f)
      Sets the blur amount by scaling the convolution filter up or down. A value of 1 (the default) performs a sparse 5x5 evenly distributed convolution at pixel level accuracy. Higher values skip more pixels, and so on until you are no longer blurring the image but simply hashing it. The sparse convolution is as follows: %MINIFYHTMLc3d0cd9fab65de6875a381fd3f83e1b338%* Where 'x' is the texel being modified. Setting blur scale higher than 1 spaces the samples out.
      f - the desired filter scale (default=1)
    • getBlurScale

      public float getBlurScale()
      returns the blur scale
      the scale
    • setBlurThreshold

      public void setBlurThreshold(float f)
      Sets the minimum blur factor before the convolution filter is calculated. The default is 0.2 which means if the "unfocus" amount is less than 0.2 (where 0 is no blur and 1.0 is full blurScale) then no blur will be applied at all. Depending on the GPU implementation, this may be an optimization since it uses branching to skip the expensive convolution filter.

      In scenes where the focus distance is close (like 0) and the focus range is relatively large, this threshold will remove some subtlety in the near-camera blurring and should be set smaller than the default or to 0 to disable completely. Sometimes that cut-off is desired if mid-to-far field unfocusing is all that is desired.

      f - the desired blur factor (default=0.2)
    • getBlurThreshold

      public float getBlurThreshold()
      returns the blur threshold.
      the threshold
    • setDebugUnfocus

      public void setDebugUnfocus(boolean b)
      Turns on/off debugging of the 'unfocus' value that is used to mix the convolution filter. When this is on, the 'unfocus' value is rendered as gray scale. This can be used to more easily visualize where in your view the focus is centered and how steep the gradient/cutoff is, etcetera.
      b - true to enable debugging, false to disable it (default=false)
    • getDebugUnfocus

      public boolean getDebugUnfocus()
    • write

      public void write(JmeExporter ex) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: Filter
      Override this method if you want to save extra properties when the filter is saved else only basic properties of the filter will be saved This method should always begin by super.write(ex);
      Specified by:
      write in interface Savable
      write in class Filter
      ex - the exporter (not null)
      IOException - from the exporter
    • read

      public void read(JmeImporter im) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: Filter
      Override this method if you want to load extra properties when the filter is loaded else only basic properties of the filter will be loaded This method should always begin by;
      Specified by:
      read in interface Savable
      read in class Filter