Class LODGeomap

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class LODGeomap extends GeoMap
Produces the mesh for the TerrainPatch. This LOD algorithm generates a single triangle strip by first building the center of the mesh, minus one outer edge around it. Then it builds the edges in counter-clockwise order, starting at the bottom right and working up, then left across the top, then down across the left, then right across the bottom. It needs to know what its neighbour's LODs are, so it can stitch the edges. It creates degenerate polygons in order to keep the winding order of the polygons and to move the strip to a new position while still maintaining the continuity of the overall mesh. These degenerates are removed quickly by the video card.
  • Constructor Details

    • LODGeomap

      public LODGeomap()
    • LODGeomap

      public LODGeomap(int size, float[] heightMap)
  • Method Details

    • createMesh

      public Mesh createMesh(Vector3f scale, Vector2f tcScale, Vector2f tcOffset, float offsetAmount, int totalSize, boolean center)
    • createMesh

      public Mesh createMesh(Vector3f scale, Vector2f tcScale, Vector2f tcOffset, float offsetAmount, int totalSize, boolean center, int lod, boolean rightLod, boolean topLod, boolean leftLod, boolean bottomLod)
    • writeTexCoordArray

      public FloatBuffer writeTexCoordArray(FloatBuffer store, Vector2f offset, Vector2f scale, float offsetAmount, int totalSize)
    • getUV

      public Vector2f getUV(int x, int y, Vector2f store, Vector2f offset, float offsetAmount, int totalSize)
    • writeIndexArrayLodDiff

      public IndexBuffer writeIndexArrayLodDiff(int lod, boolean rightLod, boolean topLod, boolean leftLod, boolean bottomLod, int totalSize)
      Create the LOD index array that will seam its edges with its neighbour's LOD. This is a scary method!!! It will break your mind.
      lod - level of detail of the mesh
      rightLod - LOD of the right neighbour
      topLod - LOD of the top neighbour
      leftLod - LOD of the left neighbour
      bottomLod - LOD of the bottom neighbour
      the LOD-ified index buffer
    • writeIndexArrayLodVariable

      public IndexBuffer writeIndexArrayLodVariable(int lod, int rightLod, int topLod, int leftLod, int bottomLod, int totalSize)
    • writeTangentArray

      public FloatBuffer[] writeTangentArray(FloatBuffer normalBuffer, FloatBuffer tangentStore, FloatBuffer binormalStore, FloatBuffer textureBuffer, Vector3f scale)
    • calculateTangent

      public static Vector3f calculateTangent(Vector3f[] v, Vector2f[] t, Vector3f tangent, Vector3f binormal)
      v - Takes 3 vertices: root, right, bottom
      t - Takes 3 tex coords: root, right, bottom
      tangent - that will store the result
      the tangent store
    • writeNormalArray

      public FloatBuffer writeNormalArray(FloatBuffer store, Vector3f scale)
      Description copied from class: GeoMap
      Creates a normal array from the normal data in this Geomap
      writeNormalArray in class GeoMap
      store - A preallocated FloatBuffer where to store the data (optional), size must be >= getWidth()*getHeight()*3
      store, or a new FloatBuffer if store is null
    • getHeight

      protected float getHeight(int x, int z, float xm, float zm)
      Get the two triangles that make up the grid section at the specified point. For every grid space there are two triangles oriented like this: *----* |a / | | / b| *----* The corners of the mesh have differently oriented triangles. The two corners that we have to special-case are the top left and bottom right corners. They are oriented inversely: *----* | \ b| |a \ | *----*
    • getTriangleAtPoint

      protected Triangle getTriangleAtPoint(float x, float z, Vector3f scale, Vector3f translation)
      Get a representation of the underlying triangle at the given point, translated to world coordinates.
      x - local x coordinate
      z - local z coordinate
      a triangle in world space not local space
    • getGridTrianglesAtPoint

      protected Triangle[] getGridTrianglesAtPoint(float x, float z, Vector3f scale, Vector3f translation)
      Get the two triangles that make up the grid section at the specified point, translated to world coordinates.
      x - local x coordinate
      z - local z coordinate
      scale -
      translation -
      two triangles in world space not local space
    • getGridTrianglesAtPoint

      protected Triangle[] getGridTrianglesAtPoint(float x, float z)
      Get the two triangles that make up the grid section at the specified point. For every grid space there are two triangles oriented like this: *----* |a / | | / b| *----* The corners of the mesh have differently oriented triangles. The two corners that we have to special-case are the top left and bottom right corners. They are oriented inversely: *----* | \ b| |a \ | *----*
      x - local x coordinate
      z - local z coordinate
      a new array or null
    • getTriangleAtPoint

      protected Triangle getTriangleAtPoint(float x, float z)
      Get the triangle that the point is on.
      x - coordinate in local space to the geomap
      z - coordinate in local space to the geomap
      triangle in local space to the geomap
    • findClosestHeightIndex

      protected int findClosestHeightIndex(int x, int z)
    • write

      public void write(JmeExporter ex) throws IOException
      Specified by:
      write in interface Savable
      write in class GeoMap
    • read

      public void read(JmeImporter im) throws IOException
      Specified by:
      read in interface Savable
      read in class GeoMap