Class LwjglDisplayVR

All Implemented Interfaces:
JmeContext, Runnable

public class LwjglDisplayVR extends LwjglWindowVR
A VR oriented LWJGL display.
  • Constructor Details

    • LwjglDisplayVR

      public LwjglDisplayVR()
      Create a new VR oriented LWJGL display.
  • Method Details

    • getOpenCLContext

      public Context getOpenCLContext()
      The OpenCL context if available.
    • getDisplays

      public Displays getDisplays()
      Description copied from interface: JmeContext
      This call will return a list of Monitors that glfwGetMonitors() returns and information about the monitor, like width, height, and refresh rate.
      returns a list of monitors and their information.
    • getPrimaryDisplay

      public int getPrimaryDisplay()
      Description copied from interface: JmeContext
      Use this to get the positional number of the primary monitor from the glfwGetMonitors() function call.
      the position of the value in the arraylist of the primary monitor.