Interface JmeExporter

All Known Implementing Classes:
BinaryExporter, J3MExporter, XMLExporter

public interface JmeExporter
JmeExporter specifies an export implementation for jME3 data.
  • Method Details

    • save

      void save(Savable object, OutputStream f) throws IOException
      Export the Savable to an OutputStream.
      object - The savable to export
      f - The output stream
      IOException - If an io exception occurs during export
    • save

      default void save(Savable object, File f) throws IOException
      Export the Savable to a file. If the path to the file doesn't exist, the directories are made.
      object - The savable to export
      f - The file to export to
      IOException - If an io exception occurs during export
    • save

      void save(Savable object, File f, boolean createDirectories) throws IOException
      Export the Savable to a file. If the path to the file doesn't exist, the parent directories can be created if the createDirectories flag is true. If the path does not exist and createDirectories is false, then an exception is thrown.
      object - The savable to export
      f - The file to export to
      createDirectories - flag to indicate if the directories should be created
      IOException - If an io exception occurs during export
    • getCapsule

      OutputCapsule getCapsule(Savable object)
      Returns the OutputCapsule for the given savable object.
      object - The object to retrieve an output capsule for.
      the OutputCapsule for the given savable object.