Class FastLightProbeFactory


public class FastLightProbeFactory extends Object
A faster LightProbeFactory that uses GPU accelerated algorithms. This is the GPU version of @{link LightProbeFactory} and should be generally preferred. For common use cases where the probe is baking the scene or part of the scene around it, it is advised to use the @{link EnvironmentProbeControl} instead since it does automatically most of the boilerplate work.
  • Constructor Details

    • FastLightProbeFactory

      public FastLightProbeFactory()
  • Method Details

    • makeProbe

      public static LightProbe makeProbe(RenderManager rm, AssetManager am, int size, Vector3f pos, float frustumNear, float frustumFar, Spatial scene)
      Creates a LightProbe with the given EnvironmentCamera in the given scene.
      rm - The RenderManager
      am - The AssetManager
      size - The size of the probe
      pos - The position of the probe
      frustumNear - The near frustum of the probe
      frustumFar - The far frustum of the probe
      scene - The scene to bake
      The baked LightProbe
    • getDebugGui

      public static Node getDebugGui(AssetManager manager, LightProbe probe)
      For debuging purposes only Will return a Node meant to be added to a GUI presenting the 2 cube maps in a cross pattern with all the mip maps.
      manager - the asset manager
      a debug node