Class NativeLibraryLoader


public final class NativeLibraryLoader extends Object
Utility class to register, extract, and load native libraries.
Register your own libraries via the registerNativeLibrary(String, Platform, String, String) method, for each platform. You can then extract this library (depending on platform), by using loadNativeLibrary(java.lang.String, boolean).
 NativeLibraryLoader.registerNativeLibrary("mystuff", Platform.Windows32, "native/windows/mystuff.dll");
 NativeLibraryLoader.registerNativeLibrary("mystuff", Platform.Windows64, "native/windows/mystuff64.dll");
 NativeLibraryLoader.registerNativeLibrary("mystuff", Platform.Linux32,   "native/linux/");
 NativeLibraryLoader.registerNativeLibrary("mystuff", Platform.Linux64,   "native/linux/");
 NativeLibraryLoader.registerNativeLibrary("mystuff", Platform.MacOSX32,  "native/macosx/libmystuff.jnilib");
 NativeLibraryLoader.registerNativeLibrary("mystuff", Platform.MacOSX64,  "native/macosx/libmystuff.jnilib");

This will register the library. Load it via:
 NativeLibraryLoader.loadNativeLibrary("mystuff", true);
It will load the right library automatically based on the platform.
  • Method Details

    • registerNativeLibrary

      public static void registerNativeLibrary(com.jme3.system.NativeLibrary library)
      Register a new native library. This simply registers a known library, the actual extraction and loading is performed by calling loadNativeLibrary(java.lang.String, boolean).
    • registerNativeLibrary

      public static void registerNativeLibrary(String name, Platform platform, String path, String extractAsName)
      Register a new native library. This simply registers a known library, the actual extraction and loading is performed by calling loadNativeLibrary(java.lang.String, boolean).
      name - The name / ID of the library (not OS or architecture specific).
      platform - The platform for which the in-natives-jar path has been specified for.
      path - The path inside the natives-jar or classpath corresponding to this library. Must be compatible with the platform argument.
      extractAsName - The filename that the library should be extracted as, if null, use the same name as in the path.
    • registerNativeLibrary

      public static void registerNativeLibrary(String name, Platform platform, String path)
      Register a new native library. This simply registers a known library, the actual extraction and loading is performed by calling loadNativeLibrary(java.lang.String, boolean). This method should be called several times for each library name, each time specifying a different platform + path combination.
      name - The name / ID of the library (not OS or architecture specific).
      platform - The platform for which the in-natives-jar path has been specified for.
      path - The path inside the natives-jar or classpath corresponding to this library. Must be compatible with the platform argument.
    • isUsingNativeBullet

      public static boolean isUsingNativeBullet()
      Determines whether native Bullet is on the classpath. Currently, the context extracts the native Bullet libraries, so this method is needed to determine if they are needed. Ideally, native Bullet would be responsible for its own natives.
      True native bullet is on the classpath, false otherwise.
    • setCustomExtractionFolder

      public static void setCustomExtractionFolder(String path)
      Specify a custom location where native libraries should be extracted to. Ensure this is a unique path not used by other applications to extract their libraries. Set to null to restore default functionality.
      path - Path where to extract native libraries.
    • getExtractionFolder

      public static File getExtractionFolder()
      Returns the folder where native libraries will be extracted. This is automatically determined at run-time based on the following criteria:
      • If a custom extraction folder has been specified, it is returned.
      • If the user can write to "" folder, then it is used.
      • Otherwise, the storage folder is used, to prevent collisions, a special subfolder is used called natives_<hash> where <hash> is computed automatically as the XOR of the classpath hash code and the last modified date of this class.
      Path where natives will be extracted to.
    • getJarsWithNatives

      public static File[] getJarsWithNatives()
    • extractNativeLibraries

      public static void extractNativeLibraries(Platform platform, File targetDir) throws IOException
    • getJarForNativeLibrary

      public static File getJarForNativeLibrary(Platform platform, String name)
    • extractNativeLibrary

      public static void extractNativeLibrary(Platform platform, String name, File targetDir) throws IOException
    • loadNativeLibrary

      public static void loadNativeLibrary(String name, boolean isRequired)
      First extracts the native library and then loads it.
      name - The name of the library to load.
      isRequired - If true and the library fails to load, throw exception. If false, do nothing if it fails to load.