Interface ExtensionLoader

All Known Implementing Classes:
LightsPunctualExtensionLoader, PBREmissiveStrengthExtensionLoader, PBRSpecGlossExtensionLoader, TextureTransformExtensionLoader, UnlitExtensionLoader

public interface ExtensionLoader
Interface to handle a glTF extension. Created by Nehon on 20/08/2017.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    handleExtension(GltfLoader loader, String parentName, com.jme3.plugins.json.JsonElement parent, com.jme3.plugins.json.JsonElement extension, Object input)
    Handles a glTF extension.
  • Method Details

    • handleExtension

      Object handleExtension(GltfLoader loader, String parentName, com.jme3.plugins.json.JsonElement parent, com.jme3.plugins.json.JsonElement extension, Object input) throws IOException
      Handles a glTF extension.
      loader - the GltfLoader with all the data structures
      parentName - the name of the element being read
      parent - the element being read
      extension - the content of the extension found in the element being read
      input - an object containing already loaded data from the element, probably a JME object
      An object of the same type as input, containing the data from the input object and the eventual additional data read from the extension
      IOException - for various error conditions