Class Image.ImageDescriptor

Enclosing class:

public static class Image.ImageDescriptor extends Object
The image descriptor structure describes the type and dimensions of the image or image array.

There exist two constructors:
ImageDescriptor(ImageType, long, long, long, long) is used when an image with new memory should be created (used most often).
ImageDescriptor(ImageType, long, long, long, long, long, long, ByteBuffer) creates an image using the provided ByteBuffer as source.

  • Field Details

    • type

      public Image.ImageType type
    • width

      public long width
    • height

      public long height
    • depth

      public long depth
    • arraySize

      public long arraySize
    • rowPitch

      public long rowPitch
    • slicePitch

      public long slicePitch
    • hostPtr

      public ByteBuffer hostPtr
  • Constructor Details

    • ImageDescriptor

      public ImageDescriptor()
    • ImageDescriptor

      public ImageDescriptor(Image.ImageType type, long width, long height, long depth, long arraySize, long rowPitch, long slicePitch, ByteBuffer hostPtr)
      Used to specify an image with the provided ByteBuffer as source
      type - the image type
      width - the width
      height - the height, unused for image types ImageType.IMAGE_1D*
      depth - the depth of the image, only used for image type ImageType.IMAGE_3D
      arraySize - the number of array elements for image type ImageType.IMAGE_1D_ARRAY and ImageType.IMAGE_2D_ARRAY
      rowPitch - the row pitch of the provided buffer
      slicePitch - the slice pitch of the provided buffer
      hostPtr - host buffer used as image memory
    • ImageDescriptor

      public ImageDescriptor(Image.ImageType type, long width, long height, long depth, long arraySize)
      Specifies an image without a host buffer, a new chunk of memory will be allocated.
      type - the image type
      width - the width
      height - the height, unused for image types ImageType.IMAGE_1D*
      depth - the depth of the image, only used for image type ImageType.IMAGE_3D
      arraySize - the number of array elements for image type ImageType.IMAGE_1D_ARRAY and ImageType.IMAGE_2D_ARRAY
  • Method Details