Class DebugTools


public class DebugTools extends Object
Debugging aids.

This class is shared between JBullet and Native Bullet.

  • Field Details

    • manager

      protected final AssetManager manager

      public Material DEBUG_BLUE
      unshaded blue material

      public Material DEBUG_RED
      unshaded red material

      public Material DEBUG_GREEN
      unshaded green material

      public Material DEBUG_YELLOW
      unshaded yellow material

      public Material DEBUG_MAGENTA
      unshaded magenta material

      public Material DEBUG_PINK
      unshaded pink material
    • debugNode

      public Node debugNode
      node for attaching debug geometries
    • arrowBlue

      public Arrow arrowBlue
      mesh for the blue arrow
    • arrowBlueGeom

      public Geometry arrowBlueGeom
      geometry for the blue arrow
    • arrowGreen

      public Arrow arrowGreen
      mesh for the green arrow
    • arrowGreenGeom

      public Geometry arrowGreenGeom
      geometry for the green arrow
    • arrowRed

      public Arrow arrowRed
      mesh for the red arrow
    • arrowRedGeom

      public Geometry arrowRedGeom
      geometry for the red arrow
    • arrowMagenta

      public Arrow arrowMagenta
      mesh for the magenta arrow
    • arrowMagentaGeom

      public Geometry arrowMagentaGeom
      geometry for the magenta arrow
    • arrowYellow

      public Arrow arrowYellow
      mesh for the yellow arrow
    • arrowYellowGeom

      public Geometry arrowYellowGeom
      geometry for the yellow arrow
    • arrowPink

      public Arrow arrowPink
      mesh for the pink arrow
    • arrowPinkGeom

      public Geometry arrowPinkGeom
      geometry for the pink arrow

      protected static final Vector3f UNIT_X_CHECK
      local copy of Vector3f.UNIT_X

      protected static final Vector3f UNIT_Y_CHECK
      local copy of Vector3f.UNIT_Y

      protected static final Vector3f UNIT_Z_CHECK
      local copy of Vector3f.UNIT_Z

      protected static final Vector3f UNIT_XYZ_CHECK
      local copy of Vector3f.UNIT_XYZ

      protected static final Vector3f ZERO_CHECK
      local copy of Vector3f.ZERO
  • Constructor Details

    • DebugTools

      public DebugTools(AssetManager manager)
      Instantiate a set of debug tools.
      manager - for loading assets (not null, alias created)
  • Method Details

    • show

      public void show(RenderManager rm, ViewPort vp)
      Render all the debug geometries to the specified view port.
      rm - the render manager (not null)
      vp - the view port (not null)
    • setBlueArrow

      public void setBlueArrow(Vector3f location, Vector3f extent)
      Alter the location and extent of the blue arrow.
      location - the coordinates of the tail (not null, unaffected)
      extent - the offset of the tip from the tail (not null, unaffected)
    • setGreenArrow

      public void setGreenArrow(Vector3f location, Vector3f extent)
      Alter the location and extent of the green arrow.
      location - the coordinates of the tail (not null, unaffected)
      extent - the offset of the tip from the tail (not null, unaffected)
    • setRedArrow

      public void setRedArrow(Vector3f location, Vector3f extent)
      Alter the location and extent of the red arrow.
      location - the coordinates of the tail (not null, unaffected)
      extent - the offset of the tip from the tail (not null, unaffected)
    • setMagentaArrow

      public void setMagentaArrow(Vector3f location, Vector3f extent)
      Alter the location and extent of the magenta arrow.
      location - the coordinates of the tail (not null, unaffected)
      extent - the offset of the tip from the tail (not null, unaffected)
    • setYellowArrow

      public void setYellowArrow(Vector3f location, Vector3f extent)
      Alter the location and extent of the yellow arrow.
      location - the coordinates of the tail (not null, unaffected)
      extent - the offset of the tip from the tail (not null, unaffected)
    • setPinkArrow

      public void setPinkArrow(Vector3f location, Vector3f extent)
      Alter the location and extent of the pink arrow.
      location - the coordinates of the tail (not null, unaffected)
      extent - the offset of the tip from the tail (not null, unaffected)
    • setupDebugNode

      protected void setupDebugNode()
      Attach all the debug geometries to the debug node.
    • setupMaterials

      protected void setupMaterials()
      Initialize all the DebugTools materials.