Package com.jme3.anim

Class AnimFactory


public class AnimFactory extends Object
A convenience class to smoothly animate a Spatial using translation, rotation, and scaling. Add keyframes for translation, rotation, and scaling. Invoking buildAnimation(com.jme3.anim.util.HasLocalTransform) will then generate an AnimClip that interpolates among the keyframes. By default, the first keyframe (index=0) has an identity Transform. You can override this by replacing the first keyframe with different Transform. For a loop animation, make sure the final transform matches the starting one. Because of a heuristic used by Quaternion.slerp(com.jme3.math.Quaternion, com.jme3.math.Quaternion, float), it's possible for buildAnimation(com.jme3.anim.util.HasLocalTransform) to negate the final rotation. To prevent an unwanted rotation at the end of the loop, you may need to add intermediate rotation keyframes. Inspired by Nehon's AnimationFactory.
  • Constructor Details

    • AnimFactory

      public AnimFactory(float duration, String name, float fps)
      Instantiate an AnimFactory with an identity transform at t=0.
      duration - the duration for the clip (in seconds, >0)
      name - the name for the resulting clip
      fps - the frame rate for the clip (in frames per second, >0)
  • Method Details

    • addKeyFrameRotation

      public void addKeyFrameRotation(int keyFrameIndex, Quaternion rotation)
      Add a keyframe for the specified rotation at the specified index.
      keyFrameIndex - the keyframe in which full rotation should be achieved (≥0)
      rotation - the local rotation to apply to the target (not null, non-zero norm, unaffected)
    • addKeyFrameScale

      public void addKeyFrameScale(int keyFrameIndex, Vector3f scale)
      Add a keyframe for the specified scaling at the specified index.
      keyFrameIndex - the keyframe in which full scaling should be achieved (≥0)
      scale - the local scaling to apply to the target (not null, unaffected)
    • addKeyFrameTransform

      public void addKeyFrameTransform(int keyFrameIndex, Transform transform)
      Add a keyframe for the specified Transform at the specified index.
      keyFrameIndex - the keyframe in which the full Transform should be achieved (≥0)
      transform - the local Transform to apply to the target (not null, unaffected)
    • addKeyFrameTranslation

      public void addKeyFrameTranslation(int keyFrameIndex, Vector3f offset)
      Add a keyframe for the specified translation at the specified index.
      keyFrameIndex - the keyframe in which full translation should be achieved (≥0)
      offset - the local translation to apply to the target (not null, unaffected)
    • addTimeRotation

      public void addTimeRotation(float time, Quaternion rotation)
      Add a keyframe for the specified rotation at the specified time.
      time - the animation time when full rotation should be achieved (≥0, ≤duration)
      rotation - the local rotation to apply to the target (not null, non-zero norm, unaffected)
    • addTimeRotation

      public void addTimeRotation(float time, float xAngle, float yAngle, float zAngle)
      Add a keyframe for the specified rotation at the specified time, based on Tait-Bryan angles. Note that this is NOT equivalent to AnimationFactory.addTimeRotationAngles(float, float, float, float).
      time - the animation time when full rotation should be achieved (≥0, ≤duration)
      xAngle - the X angle (in radians)
      yAngle - the Y angle (in radians)
      zAngle - the Z angle (in radians)
    • addTimeScale

      public void addTimeScale(float time, Vector3f scale)
      Add a keyframe for the specified scale at the specified time.
      time - the animation time when full scaling should be achieved (≥0, ≤duration)
      scale - the local scaling to apply to the target (not null, unaffected)
    • addTimeTransform

      public void addTimeTransform(float time, Transform transform)
      Add a keyframe for the specified Transform at the specified time.
      time - the animation time when the full Transform should be achieved (≥0, ≤duration)
      transform - the local Transform to apply to the target (not null, unaffected)
    • addTimeTranslation

      public void addTimeTranslation(float time, Vector3f offset)
      Add a keyframe for the specified translation at the specified time.
      time - the animation time when the full translation should be achieved (≥0, ≤duration)
      offset - the local translation to apply to the target (not null, unaffected)
    • buildAnimation

      public AnimClip buildAnimation(HasLocalTransform target)
      Create an AnimClip based on the keyframes added to this factory.
      target - the target for this clip (which is typically a Spatial)
      a new clip