Package com.jme3.input.controls

package com.jme3.input.controls
  • Class
    ActionListener is used to receive input events in "digital" style.
    AnalogListener is used to receive events of inputs in analog format.
    A generic interface for input listeners, the AnalogListener and ActionListener interfaces extend this interface.
    A KeyTrigger is used as a mapping to keyboard keys.
    A MouseAxisTrigger is used as a mapping to mouse axis, a mouse axis is movement along the X axis (left/right), Y axis (up/down) and the mouse wheel (scroll up/down).
    A MouseButtonTrigger is used as a mapping to receive events from mouse buttons.
    TouchListener is used to receive events of inputs from smartphone touch devices
    Class to trigger TouchEvents, keycode can be TouchInput.ALL(=0) or TouchInput.KEYCODE_*
    A trigger represents a physical input, such as a keyboard key, a mouse button, or joystick axis.